income insights Archives - Kaeser & Blair Fri, 16 Dec 2022 13:30:54 +0000 en-US hourly 1 income insights Archives - Kaeser & Blair 32 32 Signs of a Strong Financial Future Mon, 16 May 2022 12:00:35 +0000 9 Signs of a Strong Financial Future You’re killing it. Your family’s happy and healthy. Your career’s on track. You’re perfecting the art of “me time” with little indulgences. Your future is looking bright. Can the same be said for your finances? Here are nine signs you’re on track for

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9 Signs of a Strong Financial Future

You’re killing it. Your family’s happy and healthy. Your career’s on track. You’re perfecting the art of “me time” with little indulgences. Your future is looking bright. Can the same be said for your finances? Here are nine signs you’re on track for a strong financial future.

1. You follow a monthly budget.

Ugh. The dreaded “b” word. While budgeting isn’t exactly the definition of a good time, it doesn’t need to be seen as a punishment either. Popular budgeting methods include the envelope system, the zero-based system, and the percentage system. While specific budget categories will vary from household to household, some general ones include housing, food, savings, and entertainment.

2. You have a debt payoff plan.

Who likes to owe money? No one! Debt payoff is essential to a strong financial future. One way to become debt-free quickly is to take a part-time job. Ideally, it should be something with a flexible schedule you can do right from home. There are several ways to approach a debt payoff plan, so choose one and go after it. The debt you select can be based on the smallest amount owed (the “snowball” method), the one with the highest interest rate (the “avalanche” method), or just whichever one you hate the most!

3. You keep a list of bills and due dates.

Nothing derails a good financial plan like annoying late fees or bad credit. Avoid both by keeping a running list of your bills and their due dates. If you are struggling, contact providers and see what can be worked out. You may be able to set up a payment plan. Remember, open communication is key. The worst thing you can do is to ignore bills and creditors.

4. You have a fully-funded emergency account.

Life (or you can insert a more colorful word) happens. When it does, make sure you have an emergency fund set up for unexpected expenses so you don’t have to max out your credit cards. You get to define what’s considered an “emergency” to you, but be realistic. Unexpected car repairs so you can get to work? Emergency. Flash sale on Louis Vuitton bags? Non-emergency.

5. You are saving for retirement.

As much as we may try to fight it, old age is coming for all of us. Unfortunately, 1 in 4 Americans has nothing saved for retirement, and many are under-saving. Make sure you aren’t one of them! The retirement savings account you contribute to may have a lot to do with your business or what your company has selected to offer. There are a lot of options, but don’t let feeling confused or overwhelmed stop you. Do some research online or talk with someone in your company’s HR department.

6. You’ve built a diversified investment portfolio.

Investing is a great way to build a strong financial future for yourself. Diversification just means “don’t put all your eggs in one basket”. There are countless options when it comes to setting up a diverse portfolio, but two popular choices are the three-fund portfolio and the all-weather portfolio.

7. You utilize multiple streams of income.

The secret sauce for personal finance goals lies in having many different streams of income, not just a job salary. (That whole eggs in one basket thing again.) There are three types of income streams: active, passive, and portfolio (already mentioned above). Earning extra money by working from home part-time is a great source of active income. Passive income examples include rent from a property you own or royalties from something you created.

8. You’ve established your financial goals.

Having a savings account for your emergency fund is great, but what about saving for things you want or want to achieve? It’s important to plan for different types of financial goals for yourself. You should create short, mid-term, and long-term goals. As soon as you achieve one celebrate like crazy—then set up the next one.

9. You’ve got the right insurance coverage.

You may feel like life, health, home, or car insurance are monthly expenses you don’t need. Think again. Something that costs you a little extra each month now is way better than having to face enormous amounts of debt later—which could kill your financial future in an instant. There are endless types of insurance coverage, so take some time to research which options are best for you.

How many of these personal finance essentials were you able to check off? Knowing you have a well-rounded financial plan means confidence and security in your future—and that’s something money can’t buy.

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How to Earn 100% (or More!) Gross Profit Margins Mon, 28 Mar 2022 12:00:15 +0000 How to Earn 100% (or More!) Gross Profit Margins A 100% profit margin? Yes, it’s possible—but only with Kaeser & Blair. We provide the most generous earnings program, bonus incentives, and unmatched referral program in the industry. You provide the dedication and sales savvy. Promotional products sellers just like you

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How to Earn 100% (or More!) Gross Profit Margins

A 100% profit margin? Yes, it’s possible—but only with Kaeser & Blair. We provide the most generous earnings program, bonus incentives, and unmatched referral program in the industry. You provide the dedication and sales savvy. Promotional products sellers just like you are earning over 100% gross margins right now. How? By becoming Kaeser & Blair Business Owners and taking full advantage of our best-in-the-industry programs.

Generous Earnings Program

You are the driving force behind your successful promotional products business. Your profits should reflect that! Earn industry-leading profits and get paid faster. Kaeser & Blair offers Business Owners an unprecedented upfront and straightforward profit program —up to 65% of gross margins. There are no extra fees or charges, regardless of payment method or how quickly the customer’s payment is received.

Bonus Program

Being in sales means you probably enjoy a little healthy competition. Why not put it to work for you (and your gross profit)? At Kaeser & Blair, you have the potential to earn bonuses totaling up to 2% of sales. These are awarded annually based on an increase in earnings or total volume, based on total earnings amount. You also have the opportunity to participate in fun, short-term sales contests and incentives offered periodically throughout the year.

Dealer Referral Program

Our referral program is without equal in the promotional products business. Earn profits based on the business volume submitted by other salespeople you have referred to Kaeser & Blair. This is paid completely out of our share of the order profits! On average, referring five new dealers who do about the same sales volume as you will double your business earnings. If you add that to our profit earnings and bonus programs, you can quickly see how 100% or more gross profits are well within your reach!

Free to You: Business Technology and Tools

At Kaeser & Blair, the things you need to run your business do NOT come out of your profits. We have the best technology and tools in the industry, and they’re available to our Business Owners at no charge. How about complete access to e-reports that offer everything from earnings payment notifications to shipping and billing notices? Or an online dashboard to manage orders in process and order entry right at your fingertips? 

Our flexible system was designed for and by Kaeser & Blair Business Owners—successful sellers just like you who know what they need from a user-friendly order entry system. It even includes special process options for multiple vendor orders. Of course, all this great backend support is worthless without giving Business Owners access to marketing tools. We’ve formed strategic industry partnerships with ASI, SAGE, and Zoom so you have the support you need to promote your business.

Why settle for 22%—or even 50%—in profit margins when you could be earning over 100%? Thanks to Kaeser & Blair’s earnings programs and free business tools you can! Compare our programs to your current distributor’s and do the math for yourself. Switch to Kaeser & Blair today and start earning higher margins from factory pricing and industry-leading bonuses.

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How to Make Extra Income While Working Full Time Tue, 15 Feb 2022 13:00:50 +0000 How to Make Extra Income (While Working Full Time) Maybe you have your eye on a new car or are anxious to book that dream vacation. Or perhaps you are ready to live debt-free once and for all. You could really use a way to earn extra money to make

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How to Make Extra Income (While Working Full Time)

Maybe you have your eye on a new car or are anxious to book that dream vacation. Or perhaps you are ready to live debt-free once and for all. You could really use a way to earn extra money to make these dreams happen! There’s just one problem: you already have a full-time job. How are you going to earn make extra income while still working full time?

Deciding to take on two jobs isn’t easy, but it can be done—and the financial rewards can be well-worth your extra time. The key is to find the right fit between your main job and your part-time one. Here are a few tips experts recommend when looking for ways to make earn a little extra while still holding down a regular 9–5.

Start a Part-Time Business Working From Home

Who wants to hop in the car after a long day and head straight to another job? If you’re looking to earn some extra cash, find something you can do at home. By working from home, you eliminate extra expenses associated with on-site work, such as gas money, babysitters, uniform costs, and so on. That means more money in your pocket, which means being that much closer to realizing your goals. Selling promotional products as an independent Business Owner with Kaeser & Blair is a home-based business. You work remotely on your schedule.

Psst… Did you know our Business Owners who work from home part-time can make anywhere from $7,000 – $20,000 per year? That’s right! You could be driving that new car to the airport to catch that dream vacation flight in no time!

Make Sure Your Side Gig Offers Maximum Flexibility

The idea is to make scheduling around your full-time job as effortless as possible, while still earning the extra income you need. As a Business Owner, you’re in control. You decide when to work and how much work you want to do. There are no binding contracts, no sales minimums, or quotas to meet. It’s up to you how much time you want to dedicate to this part-time business and how profitable you want to be. We bring you the tools and resources you need to be successful. You bring your hustle and drive to succeed!

Find Something You Love Doing Anyway

Sure—you may not think of yourself as someone who “loves” sales, but what about helping the local businesses in your community? Companies use promotional products to market their products or services. They utilize them in their offices, as giveaways, employee incentive programs, fundraising, public awareness campaigns, trade shows, and more. The uses for promotional products are virtually limitless! You could be the person helping your neighborhood’s small businesses and entrepreneurs thrive—and that’s beneficial for everyone!

Don’t Forget Work-Life Balance

Taking a side job doesn’t mean you have to work around the clock. It’s important to take time for self-care and mental wellbeing. Spend time with your family, plan a date night with your spouse, or just kick up your feet and focus on you! Don’t run the risk of burnout.. Taking time away from both jobs means you’ll be recharged and ready to reach your financial goals.

Keep the End Goal in Sight

Remember the new car? The bucket-list trip? The zero-debt aspiration? When the going gets tough, keep the big picture in mind. You’re working to earn money on the side so you can accomplish something that will make your life better. Focus on one end goal at a time—and remember the “end” part. Give yourself time to reach one objective before focusing on the next one. Maybe even make a vision board to stick on your fridge or keep on your phone. This fun project will help you keep your goal top-of-mind! Keeping a positive mental attitude means you have a greater chance of realizing your dreams.

Becoming an independent business owner with Kaeser & Blair is a great way to earn extra income while still keeping your full-time job. Read our Success Stories or learn more about how to get started with our Business Owner Program.

The post How to Make Extra Income While Working Full Time appeared first on Kaeser & Blair.
