selling promotional products Archives - Kaeser & Blair Wed, 28 Sep 2022 13:58:34 +0000 en-US hourly 1 selling promotional products Archives - Kaeser & Blair 32 32 How to Self-promote Your Business Thu, 27 Oct 2022 12:00:37 +0000 Creative Ways to Self-promote Your Own Business with Promotional Products Selling promotional products is a competitive career, but taking thoughtful, creative, and proactive steps to stand out is definitely worth the work. Take the time to understand the industry, keep up with the trends, know your clients well, be aware

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Creative Ways to Self-promote Your Own Business with Promotional Products

Selling promotional products is a competitive career, but taking thoughtful, creative, and proactive steps to stand out is definitely worth the work. Take the time to understand the industry, keep up with the trends, know your clients well, be aware of your competition, and invest in yourself by learning how to self-promote your business. Believe in yourself enough to know that you have come up with a sensible plan with a high return on investment for your self-promotions.

When self-promotions are done correctly, they will showcase how awesome your marketing abilities are and that you are the industry leader to work with. If you demonstrate that you know how to market yourself with well-thought plans with high ROI, your clients will see you are a solid choice to partner with. Self-promotions will lead to gaining new clients.

They also inspire current clients to try something new and maybe go further with their budget. Friendly reminder: do not be pushy about budgets! Let them come to the realization that spending a little more on something with great innovation will bring them high ROI.

Go Beyond a Business Card

Business self-promotion covers many areas. Think of your business card. You can choose to go with a typical paper rectangular card with your contact information, but you’re in the promo biz! Take it a step further by using promotional products to share your contact information.

Yes, you need to have a traditional card for vendors you meet. But if you are trying to attract a client, a boring traditional card that gets the job done is not enough. A salesperson in the branded items business should have something more. Here are creative suggestions for how to self-promote your business with promotional products.

Microfiber Cloth

Consider a 6×6 microfiber cloth. It folds into the traditional business card size in a clear bag but it’s an item everyone can use. It cleans phones, glasses, vehicle touchscreens, and more. Add a QR code for folks to scan and your contact goes directly into their phones. Spending more money on your business card option will help you stand out in the competitive market.

Small Magnetic Calendar or Kitchen Cutter

Inexpensive items that can be a “leave behind” are a great way to self-promote your business. Small, simple branded items like these check many boxes clients desire in promotional products. They have a long shelf life and are something everyone can use. Bonus points if you can come up with a clever tagline for your business that reflects the item.

Writing Instruments

Another popular type of leave behind is writing instruments—always a solid self-promo when done right. We all need a pen from time to time!  But it’s important to keep in mind that this item is a representation of you as a promotional products expert. Meaning, if you decide to go with a super low economy pen, be prepared for an underwhelming response.

If you want to make an impression, check out the Sharpie S-Gel pen. You will have your logo branded on a pen a client does not share with others. It becomes a coveted pen they do not want to lose! Vendors like RiteLine offer great self-promo deals on writing instruments throughout the year, so be sure to keep up with the industry and know when the best offers are available.

Self-promotion Packages

Starline is one of the vendors that offer large packages of a variety of their products. This is a great option that can serve as an enticing gift or sample when a client is considering what to purchase. You can give them options of what item they would like to have from you.

Make a Statement: Higher-end Items

There are clients you want to land because their business means high-earning potential. It’s time to go big with your self-promo product. A memorable effort will bring you a better chance at that high ROI you are working for. A non-tipping can cooler, portable Bluetooth speaker, or premium cotton backpack branded with your own company logo are all great options.

Drop-shipped Personalized Sample

Another grand gesture that will take more investment and time to organize is using drop-shipping for a higher-end personalized gift. Origaudio offers this option and is known for its interesting products and great customer service—even their packaging is cool! The receiver of one of their many high-end options is going to be impressed with the gift and seeing their name and/or company logo included. Be sure to include a note with your contact information, of course!

Learning how to self-promote your business will deliver a positive impact on your selling efforts. Decisions need to be planned out for each type of self-promo item you choose to go with. Will you hand deliver the item or mail it directly to them? (Consider the cost and time with both.) Will you give the item to the client at the meeting or at a later time?

Find the value in each option and make a strategic plan that best fits your needs and abilities. Remember that your self-promotion efforts are a reflection of you as a promotional products expert. Stand out in a crowd of a competitive market!

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How to Sell Promotional Products During a Tough Economy Mon, 02 May 2022 12:00:54 +0000 How to Sell Promotional Products During a Tough Economy (4 Tips) During an economic slump, many challenges affect the sales industry, especially those who sell promotional products. What’s the secret to remaining successful? Two abilities: resiliency and adaptation. When times get tough, it’s easy to blame the bad economy for

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How to Sell Promotional Products During a Tough Economy (4 Tips)

During an economic slump, many challenges affect the sales industry, especially those who sell promotional products. What’s the secret to remaining successful? Two abilities: resiliency and adaptation.

When times get tough, it’s easy to blame the bad economy for a lack of sales—especially with promotional items. Companies will sometimes cut costs in their marketing campaigns first, which can be a mistake. They need brand awareness and sales in order to survive. Use this to your advantage and don’t give up!

Adapt to the economic slowdown and come up with new and creative ways to help your clients find marketing solutions. Here are four ways to outthink your competition and hold steady in the tough times.

1. Know Your Vendors and Stay Updated

Before you can begin to assist clients with their branded item needs, you need to be well-versed in the current state of the industry. Stay updated on your vendors. If a vendor has implemented supply changes—or has gone out of business altogether—make note of it. Be diligent on inventory limitations, production and shipping delays, and any cost increases.

Stay current on your competition as well. Maybe they’ve decided to throw in the towel which can be a great opportunity for you. Tactfully reach out and ask about taking over their client list.

2. Focus on Current Clients and Ask for Referrals

Engage with your clients face-to-face. In this age of email and messaging, call or go and talk with them in person to touch base. Learn a little about new challenges facing their industry and marketing budgets and be prepared to offer solutions.

For example, one of your clients owns several local taverns. Generally, you supply them with branded items for special occasions such as St. Patrick’s Day and Cinco de Mayo. In the face of a tough economy, however, you discover through Facebook posts they are struggling with employee retention.

Instead of their usual order (which they may be tempted to cancel), offer ways to help feel new servers feel connected to their new position. A welcome gift bag full of branded items to encourage them to want to stay may help encourage them to stick around.Also, determine if this is a good time to discuss referrals with your existing customers. They might be able to make introductions for you.

3. Stay Calm and Focus on Solutions

Most importantly, take care of yourself during this challenging time. Take steps to reduce stress and ensure you are in a healthy place. It’s impossible to help others if you’re struggling with being in a bad headspace yourself.

Talk with your clients and really listen to them. Try to understand what challenges their company is facing and let them know you are on their team. Ask if they are interested in suggestions for recession-proof solutions and solid ROI promotions. If so, focus on cost-effective campaigns specific to their needs

In a weak economy, just adding a logo to any item is not going to cut it. This is the time to have a strategic plan of using promotional items to help them with their sales and marketing. Be respectful of whatever those needs might be and most importantly, honor a client’s new budget restraints.

4. Pay Attention to What Sales Increase During Bad Economic Times

Buying branded items doesn’t stop during tough economic times, but sales do shift. For example, when public gathering places began to open back up after the pandemic branded signs were everywhere. Spaces added signs to the floor reminding people where to stand (6 feet apart!), or pointing to a new entrance or exit to reduce congestion.

Everywhere you looked you could see these new signs featuring the new, post-COVID way of doing things and featuring the business’s logo. The vendors selling these branded signs thrived.

Examples of Businesses That Thrive During a Tough Economy

During an economic downturn, many buckle down and don’t purchase new items. Instead, they make do with what they have. So, guess which type of businesses see an increase in sales? Repair shops!

If one of your clients or prospects is a car repair shop, they might want to hand out branded items now. Then when the market goes up, customers remember the positive experience they had with the shop when they needed it most.

Thrifting also excels during a bad economy. Buying and selling second-hand clothing and products do not have a negative effect on the market during tough times. This added income for thrift shops could be a perfect time to start a strong ROI promotions plan.

Of course, political campaigns always need branded items. Every political candidate purchases many items featuring their logo no matter what the economy is facing. Track them down and offer up some brilliant ideas to help with their marketing strategies. What other ideas do you have for local businesses that may benefit from this boost in sales?

When the economy is weak people cut back on discretionary spending, but branded items are still needed. They support efforts in marketing plans that keep businesses profitable. Don’t give up! Continue to offer clients clever ideas using promotional products, even in a bad economy.

This article is based on a course from Kaeser University. When you become a Business Owner with Kaeser and Blair, you get access to Kaeser University courses and several other training and professional development resources. Explore them today and start growing your business tomorrow!

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How to Use Promotional Products Effectively Fri, 04 Feb 2022 20:11:17 +0000 How to Use Promotional Products Effectively (9 Tips to Share with Clients) Your clients know they need promotional products as part of their business. But do they know how to best use them? Here are nine tips to share with your clients for how to use promotional products effectively. 1.

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How to Use Promotional Products Effectively (9 Tips to Share with Clients)

Your clients know they need promotional products as part of their business. But do they know how to best use them? Here are nine tips to share with your clients for how to use promotional products effectively.

1. Set goals and measure results

Sometimes, companies view promotional products as nice extras or one-offs needed during a sponsored event. Instead, they should be seen as a part of your overall marketing investment. Promotional products are important for businesses, especially small or local companies who want to be vested and active in their communities. It is important to track and measure ROI for these as you would any other marketing investment.

First, think about what goal you want to achieve by placing an order. Do you want to increase your brand awareness? Are you looking to generate leads and drive repeat customers? Or are you looking in-house and want to boost employee morale and satisfaction? 

2. Know what gifts your audience will appreciate

One of the key components of business is market research, which allows companies to learn details about their target audience: their age, their education level, their income, their hobbies, and so on. Even if you haven’t invested in professional market research, you probably still know many characteristics of a  person who is most likely to do business with you. Why not use that information when thinking about your promotional products investment?

Start thinking about what kind of person might be interested in your product or service. How old are they? Where do they live? Are they married? Do they have children? What do they like to do for fun? What are some pet peeves they might have? How does your business fit into their career or personal life? Think of as many details to answer as you can to create your ideal customer persona. Then, share this exercise with your Kaeser & Blair Business Owner and ask them what promotional products this person would value the most.

3. Match the product and its quality to your business

Think about promotional products as an extension of your business and how they represent your brand message. Consider pens or other writing instruments—a very popular product category. Sure, everyone uses them. But are they the best choice when it comes to a physical representation of your product or service? If you own a law firm, yes. If you own a gym, maybe not so much. 

What items come to mind when you think about your type of business or industry? Jot down anything you can think of. Things like flash drives and charging cables might make people think of technology. Spatulas and measuring cups bring to mind baking and kitchens. Checkbook covers and letter openers are typically equated with bills and finance. Guess what? All of these items can be turned into promotional products featuring your logo, hashtag, or slogan!

4. Match the product to the sponsored event

When sponsoring or attending an event, consider ordering promotional items that tie into the featured activities. These will usually already be related to your audience and business (you probably wouldn’t be involved in the event otherwise), but think out of the box. How can you reach people in the moment? At the same time, think about what the other businesses will already be handing out. What will be a need for people attending the event that you can fill?

5. Hand promotional products out personally

This can be a little tricky in this day and age, but try delivering your promotional items in person when you can. People appreciate putting faces with names and names with businesses. The idea is to get them to associate interacting with you whenever they use your product. The more you remain top of mind, the more likely they are to remember your business in the future.

6. Use as thank you gifts for clients

Your mama was right: people appreciate a thank you! This is when you really want to think about a promotional product with value. You aren’t buying in bulk for a mass audience at a convention. You’re taking the time to personally thank another person for trusting your company and choosing to spend their money with you.


Don’t necessarily assume client gifts need to feature your company name and logo. Depending on the situation and relationship with the client, it may be better to personalize something just for them. Putting their name and/or company on something like a nice tumbler, ballpoint pen, or high-quality pullover can is very thoughtful—and much more memorable.

7. Use as employee gifts

Don’t neglect to show your hard working employees appreciation, too! Consider items with your company logo that employees will find beneficial. Part of this means thinking about the people who work for you, your business location, and your company culture. Adventurous creatives might enjoy camping-related gear. Tech-types may appreciate a laptop bag.

8. Feature them in your marketing efforts

Use your promotional products on company social media posts and more. Get creative. Instead of featuring products with your logo, come up with a unique hashtag or slogan and put that on your items instead. The added benefit of creating a hashtag? You can track its use and popularity—just make sure it hasn’t already been taken. This is easy to check by typing the hashtag into Facebook and Instagram search bars.

For example, maybe you own Cooke Dentistry and want to hand out toothbrushes with your company name or logo. Great! But why not come up with a memorable hashtag to put on the toothbrushes instead? Something like #cookeupasmile plus your company name and website or phone number would be much more effective. You can read more about the process for creating your own hashtag here. Or, hire someone who specializes in creating hashtags and slogans on freelance sites like Fivrr and

Again, be selective with your logo. Yes, it’s the visual representation of your product or service. Yes, it’s important for people to see it. But don’t assume it needs to be on everything. This is especially true for things like t-shirts and hats. Unless you are a truly recognizable brand (hello, Nike), chances are your customers aren’t going to don your logo wearables on a regular basis. It could wind up on the giveaway pile instead. 

Now you’re ready to effectively put promotional products to work for your business! Talk with your Kaeser & Blair representative about which items will be best for your overall goal and budget.

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Top Unexpected 3 Reasons to Sell Promotional Products Thu, 30 Dec 2021 20:23:17 +0000 You may have been told that selling promotional products can be a profitable and rewarding career. After all, all businesses need promotional products, so why not sell them? However, you might need a little more convincing before you dive into this new and exciting business venture. Here are the top

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You may have been told that selling promotional products can be a profitable and rewarding career. After all, all businesses need promotional products, so why not sell them? However, you might need a little more convincing before you dive into this new and exciting business venture. Here are the top three unexpected reasons to sell promotional products.

You retain clients by building personal relationships.

Once you make a sale, that client will likely come to you the next time they need promotional products. For example, let’s say you just closed a sale on pens for a client to put in their waiting room. If you’ve done a good job, they will likely reorder with you when they need more pens next year. This will give you the opportunity to ensure they are aware of the wide variety of products you offer, as well as the different circumstances when they may be beneficial.

You can cross-sell products easily.

Promotional products are valuable marketing tools that can leave a significant impression on your client’s customers. Depending on the event, you can sell multiple items to ensure this impression is as positive as possible. For example, your client might come to you for an item to promote an upcoming event. Not only can you fill that single product order, but you can also recommend them other products that will complement the one they originally wanted and make a strong first impression on those coming to the event.

You can offer customized catalogs and product selections for a more personal buying experience.

Kaeser & Blair business owners get exclusive access to Zoom Catalogs, a service that allows you to customize the buying experience for your customers by creating branded and customized product selections. This unique service will make the buying process easier for your clients, which in turn makes them want to return to you. You can learn more about Zoom Catalogs when you purchase a Business Owner Package.

Start Selling Promotional Products Today

If you’re officially ready to start selling promotional products, simply purchase one of our Business Owner Packages and begin building the career of your dreams.

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What Promotional Products Do People Actually Want? Mon, 15 Nov 2021 20:00:50 +0000 Promotional products are a great way to promote any business. However, many business owners or marketing teams don’t want to spend money on products that people won’t actually use. We’ve likely all been the recipient of a promotional item that we never used or threw away soon after getting it.

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Promotional products are a great way to promote any business. However, many business owners or marketing teams don’t want to spend money on products that people won’t actually use.

We’ve likely all been the recipient of a promotional item that we never used or threw away soon after getting it. You want to recommend products to your client that their customers/potential customers will keep and use. Check out a few of the promotional products that people actually want and use below!

Apparel (T-Shirts, Jackets, Hats, Etc.)

Apparel items are likely to be kept and worn for years. Whether it’s a free t-shirt handed out at an event or customized outerwear for the employee of the month, apparel is one of the most retained swag items in the industry. Even if the recipient doesn’t wear the item regularly, they are likely to wear it several times.

This item category is beneficial for both the company and the recipient. The message on the apparel item will be shared with the wearer as well as anyone who sees them, making the cost per impression very low. Additionally, the wearer receives a high-quality apparel item for free!

Tote Bags

Tote bags are a popular, eco-friendly option for many businesses. As environmentally conscious products become the norm, the demand for tote bags has risen drastically. Whether they are small enough to be used as grocery bags or large enough to travel with, a high-quality tote bag will be kept around for years.

Office Supplies

Notebooks, pens, planners, and more are still relevant in today’s technology-centered workplace. In fact, if you look around right now, there is probably a promo pen close to you. Office supplies are used every day, giving the recipient repeated exposure to your message. Bonus points if the products you choose are unique and memorable, such as leather-bound planners or engraved fountain pens.

Learn More from Kaeser & Blair

While the promotional products you recommend will vary form client to client, keep the above categories in mind. They are versatile, popular, and can provide unlimited impressions for your client.

If you’re interested in learning more about the promotional products industry, make sure to keep up with our blog! We look forward to helping you become the best promotional products dealer you can be.

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Merch vs. Swag: Is There a Difference? Wed, 03 Nov 2021 20:00:20 +0000 If you’re just starting out in the promotional products business, you may have heard the words “swag” and “merch” used when talking about products and items. Some people use them interchangeably, while others use them to mean different types of products. What do they mean, and what types of clients

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If you’re just starting out in the promotional products business, you may have heard the words “swag” and “merch” used when talking about products and items. Some people use them interchangeably, while others use them to mean different types of products. What do they mean, and what types of clients use them? Learn more from the experts at Kaeser & Blair below.


“Swag” is another term for promotional products that are given away to potential clients or customers for free. Think of items you may get at a trade show or in a gift bag. While they can range in quality and price, they are always branded for the company and primarily serve the purpose of getting a brand’s name physically into the hands of potential customers.

The swag you recommend your clients largely depends on the event. Let’s say your client is planning on having a booth at a trade show – you could recommend a high-quality pen with a custom message, a notepad with their logo, or a tote bag that their customers can reuse. If your client is hosting a more formal event in their space, such as an awards ceremony or grand opening, you may recommend some more expensive items that will leave a larger impact. These can include anything from engraved wine glasses to Bluetooth speakers. The possibilities are endless.


Do you have a band t-shirt in your closet? An item with a quote from your favorite TV show? These items are often referred to as “merch.” Short for “merchandise,” merch is often sold by a company to their patrons or supporters. These tend to be higher-quality items than swag that people purchase because they are fans or want to support the company or group selling the items.

Examples of clients who may be looking for merch include restaurants, breweries, bands, and influencers.

When recommending items for clients who are interested in selling the products to their customers, first consider what their business is. For example, a brewery may be interested in high-quality pint glasses with an engraved logo. Then, consider what their patrons would want to purchase. If your client is an influencer and is known in their fan base for a popular or funny saying/quote, you may recommend putting that quote on a high-quality t-shirt, mug, or hat.

Learn more about the promotional products industry from Kaeser & Blair.

If you’re interested in learning more about the promotional products industry, or want to start your own promotional products business, contact Kaeser & Blair. We have been helping people find success in the industry for over 100 years. Learn more about who we are and what we do, then contact us or order a Business Owner Package to get started.

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How to Handle a Difficult Promotional Products Client Fri, 15 Oct 2021 20:00:20 +0000 We’ve all been there – an order gets delayed, miscommunication occurs, or items get damaged in transit. Keeping your clients happy isn’t always easy, especially when something goes wrong. Offering great customer service is essential for all businesses, but as a business owner yourself, it is even more important to

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We’ve all been there – an order gets delayed, miscommunication occurs, or items get damaged in transit. Keeping your clients happy isn’t always easy, especially when something goes wrong.

Offering great customer service is essential for all businesses, but as a business owner yourself, it is even more important to give your clients a fantastic experience. Satisfied customers will continue to return to you as well as recommend you to others. But when something goes wrong, what do you do?

Tips for Handling Difficult Customers

Stay calm.

This can be one of the most difficult things to do when working with an upset customer. No matter the situation, you have to stay calm and collected no matter what the client says or does. While this can be challenging, keep in mind that anger is a natural emotion, and your reaction can either fuel the “fire” or calm them down.

If you’re having trouble staying cool and collected, try to walk away from the interaction to calm yourself down. Take some deep breaths to slow your heartrate and look at the situation from the perspective of the customer. Speak clearly and confidently, but make sure to validate the customer’s frustrations and work to get the situation resolved.

Maintain a professional tone.

Just like staying calm, this can be difficult to do. Keep in mind that you are the expert here, and your client is looking to you to solve the problem. Make sure to clearly state what the problem is – i.e., “So let me make sure I understand the situation. Your order was printed incorrectly, and you need the replacement shipped before your event next week. Is that correct?”

Use simple language.

 While trying to maintain your professional tone and assure the customer that you know what you’re talking about, keep your use of industry-specific jargon to a minimum. This can end up confusing and frustrating your client even more, so try to use simple language.

Actively seek a solution.

Depending on the issue, the solution your client wants may not be possible. For example, if the art they gave you to go on the mugs they ordered has a typo and they only noticed it when the order was delivered, there’s little you can do in terms of making the situation right. Since the client was the one who made the mistake, you aren’t technically responsible for fixing it. However, if you can come up with a creative solution (such as helping them reorder with express shipping), they will likely return to you when they need to order merch for their business again.

Ask for help when you need it.

Sometimes, a situation may come along where you don’t know what the right resolution is. In that case, reach out to Business Owner Support. Our dedicated team of professionals is ready to help you solve complicated situations and keep your clients happy.

Get More Tips from Kaeser & Blair

Whether you’re a promotional products expert or brand-new to the industry, Kaeser & Blair provides insightful and helpful information on our blog. Learn more about who we are and what we do or contact us for more information.

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The Best-Selling Promotional Items for New Businesses Wed, 15 Sep 2021 18:39:33 +0000 You’re working with a brand-new business that is opening their doors soon, and they have come to you to help with a promotional campaign to get the word out. They want to know which products will be most beneficial in promoting their opening. While some of the products you recommend

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You’re working with a brand-new business that is opening their doors soon, and they have come to you to help with a promotional campaign to get the word out. They want to know which products will be most beneficial in promoting their opening.

While some of the products you recommend will be specific to the industry, there are several types of products that will apply to almost all businesses. Below are some of our favorite promotional products that will benefit a new business.

Promotional Products for New Businesses

Tote Bags

Branded tote bags are a no-brainer for any new business. Bags are an item that people are likely to hang on to, especially if they use them as reusable grocery bags. Every time the person goes to the store, not only will they be reminded of the company, but other people will see the bag and be exposed to the message, as well.


While this might seem like an obvious suggestion, pens are one of the most commonly sold promotional items for a reason. They’re inexpensive, almost everyone uses them, and they are likely to be kept around for as long as they have ink in them. In fact, if you look around right now, you’ll probably find a promotional pen in your home or workplace.

Coffee Mugs

A high-quality, attractive coffee mug will likely be kept in the home of potential customers for years. These are best used as part of a larger promotion; for example, the new business can advertise that each purchase made at their store within the first week of their opening will come with a free coffee mug. This will likely get more people in the store and result in more sales.


While this is another obvious one, a t-shirt is one of the most impactful promotional items on the market. They can be manufactured for a reasonable price and sold by the business to people who support them. Then, whenever the person wears the t-shirt, the people they interact with throughout the day will see the company’s name and logo. The higher-quality the t-shirt, the more likely the purchaser is to wear it – and love it!

Sell Promotional Products with Kaeser & Blair

If you’re interested in selling promotional products, Kaeser & Blair can help you get the best prices from the best manufacturers in the industry. As a family owned and operated business that has been running for over 100 years, we’ve earned an unmatched reputation with suppliers, vendors, and competitors that. Our honest, straightforward and proven approach has helped thousands realize and achieve the career, earnings, and work/life balance they deserve. Contact us for more information.

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What Does a Promotional Products Distributor Do? Wed, 01 Sep 2021 17:00:30 +0000 What Does a Promotional Products Distributor Do? If you’re interested in selling promotional products, but don’t know exactly where to start, you are not alone. Many people who are new to the complex world of promotional products can find getting started to be a daunting task. So, if you find

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What Does a Promotional Products Distributor Do?

If you’re interested in selling promotional products, but don’t know exactly where to start, you are not alone. Many people who are new to the complex world of promotional products can find getting started to be a daunting task. So, if you find yourself wanting to become a promotional products distributor but don’t know where to begin, Kaeser & Blair is here to help.

What is Kaeser & Blair?

Kaeser & Blair is a family owned and operated promotional products distribution business with over 100 years in the industry. We are passionate about helping people make the most of their talent for sales by giving them the support they need. Kaeser & Blair gives distributors the opportunity to own their own business and sell promotional products on their terms. We want to help motivated and outgoing entrepreneurs establish their own independent businesses.

What does a Kaeser & Blair Business Owner do?

A Kaeser & Blair Business Owner’s sole job is to sell promotional products. You don’t have to keep an inventory, worry about invoicing clients, or keep detailed financial records. All you have to do is sell – that’s it!

Kaeser & Blair acts as your back-office support. We take care of all the financial and business sides of the operation, from invoicing manufacturers to shipping the products. Once you submit an order through our secure online portal, we do the rest.

As a Business Owner, you make connections with people in your community who may need promotional products. This could be any business: your local hairdresser, a large corporation headquartered in your city, or your child’s school. If they are planning a promotion, new product launch, or celebrating a milestone, they need promotional products.

A promotional products distributor helps businesses create promotional campaigns utilizing thoughtfully chosen, useful products to get the word out and spread brand awareness. For example, a business celebrating a landmark anniversary may want to design a series of items, such as pens, t-shirts, and mugs, to generate brand awareness and show off their accomplishment.

Where do I learn more?

If you’re interested in learning more, we are happy to answer any questions you may have. Your privacy is always respected, and the information shared during the meeting is completely confidential. You simply ask the questions that you want to ask and learn more about why to choose Kaeser & Blair – all with zero obligation.

If you’re ready to get started selling promotional products, simply purchase one of our Business Owner Kits and begin your Business Owner Journey today.

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How Promotional Products Help Your Business Thu, 19 Aug 2021 14:44:45 +0000 Have you ever had someone ask you how promotional products could help their business? If you work in the promotional products industry, you might think the answer is obvious. However, the person you’re pitching may be hesitant to spend money on something they aren’t sure will help their business.  If

The post How Promotional Products Help Your Business appeared first on Kaeser & Blair.

Have you ever had someone ask you how promotional products could help their business? If you work in the promotional products industry, you might think the answer is obvious. However, the person you’re pitching may be hesitant to spend money on something they aren’t sure will help their business. 

If you’re having trouble explaining how promotional products help businesses, we’ve put together our top four reasons below. Use these when your client asks about the benefits of promotional products! 


Top 4 Reasons Promotional Products Help Businesses 

High ROI

Marketing can be expensive. Promotional products make repeated impressions every time they are used, reducing their cost-per-impression to fractions of a cent. People who receive promotional products often keep them around for months, especially if the product is useful to them on a regular basis. Therefore, products like pens and notebooks are so popular – they are an inexpensive investment that the user will likely keep due to their usefulness. 


Brand Recognition

A high-quality promotional product is memorable. You’re more likely to remember the company that gave you a high-quality, comfortable t-shirt over a company that gave you a low-quality pen. Even if the potential customer doesn’t need your product or service at the time they receive the t-shirt, they are more likely to seek you out first when the do. Why? Because they have associated your company with the comfortable item they regularly wear. You’ve heard of companies giving away “merch” or “swag” – these are promotional products. 


Informational Items 

How many times have you been given a business card and immediately tucked it into your bag or wallet, only to find it months later? While business cards are definitely useful, they don’t stand out. You can put the same information – your business’ name, contact information, and logo – on a useful item like a pen or notepad that is more likely to be consistently used. 


Tailored Targeting 

Where will you be giving out your promotional items? Will it be at a trade show, a school, or the reception desk at your office? Depending on the event, you can choose an item that will cater to the people who you will be targeting. For example, a reusable grocery bag can be used to target younger generations that are looking to decrease their use of plastic. 


Get More Sales Tips from Kaeser & Blair 

If you’re interested in more sales and marketing tips, follow Kaeser & Blair! We are a leader in the promotional products industry and have helped hundreds of busines owners build a lasting and profitable career. Learn more about what we do here. 

The post How Promotional Products Help Your Business appeared first on Kaeser & Blair.
