social media marketing Archives - Kaeser & Blair Tue, 21 Jun 2022 19:38:08 +0000 en-US hourly 1 social media marketing Archives - Kaeser & Blair 32 32 How to Build Your Online Presence Wed, 09 Mar 2022 20:41:03 +0000 How to Build Your Online Presence in 6 Steps Developing your online presence takes time and effort, but those who persevere and approach it with patience are rewarded with results. Use these ideas to learn how to build your online presence. Start communicating and connecting with your clients and potential

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How to Build Your Online Presence in 6 Steps

Developing your online presence takes time and effort, but those who persevere and approach it with patience are rewarded with results. Use these ideas to learn how to build your online presence. Start communicating and connecting with your clients and potential customers where they are—online.

1. Start a Blog

Coined from the phrase “web log,” blogs began life as online personal journals. You can initiate conversations and build an audience around topics you care about by writing and posting articles on your own personal website.

Today, blogs for businesses are a great tool for sharing helpful information with clients and prospects. If you publish good content, it builds your credibility and reinforces your position as an expert in your field. Avoid posts and other content that only focus on selling your products.

Anyone can start a blog, and you can do it for free! Some popular free blogging sites include WordPress, Wix, Weebly, and Blogger.

Ideas for Blog Topics and Content

When writing a blog for your business, try to stay away from personal insights and reflections. Focus more on sharing helpful and relevant information for your clients and prospects. Here are some content ideas to get you started:

  • Write articles about the industry and make observations on trends.
  • Share tips and ideas for creative ways your products can be used.
  • Spotlight your clients and their businesses. Share their success stories. Ask them to link back to your blog post about them from a post on their website.
  • Compose numbered lists where you spotlight favorite, popular, or unique ideas for various niches. For example, “Top 9 Promotional Products Ideas for Your Next Golf Outing” or “5 Ways Calendars Work to Promote Your Business”. Try to keep the lists odd-numbered, as these tend to be clicked on more.
  • Publish case studies and white papers on nationally recognized companies; identify best practices on how they use promotional products to market their business.
  • Share local community events you are involved in or plan to attend.

2. Create a Business Website

Creating a website dedicated to your business is another great way to build your online presence. As part of the Premium Business Owner Package, you get your own business website hosted through Kaeser & Blair. Your personalized website features the best-selling products from our catalog and a digital copy of the current Best Buys catalog.

The website will include your company name, logo, and brand message on your About Us page. You can include your photo and even create personalized banners for the header of the home page. (Please note this is not an e-commerce site.)

3. Build an Email List

One of the most valuable things you can get from clients and prospects is email addresses. Using those, you can engage and communicate with them on a regular basis. Two of the most popular ways to collect email addresses are through either a form on your website or by offering a digital product (such as an ebook) in exchange for contact information.

A great way to use your email list to engage with your customers is to create an email newsletter. You can use this to alert customers to new products, sales, blog posts, and more. There are several tools you can use to build and send newsletters, including MailChimp and Constant Contact.

4. Consider Guest Posting and Podcasting

Being the guest author on another blog post is a great way to get your name out there and establish your credibility. This also gives you the opportunity to link back to your own website and share the post on social. Reach out to relevant businesses to see if they would be interested in having you write an article for them.

Although not technically “online,” being the guest on a podcast is another great way to market yourself and your business. Many podcast episodes are available on websites and YouTube, with “show notes” that include guest names and their websites. This means your guest spot on a podcast will still work to increase your online presence.

5. Use Social Media Platforms for Marketing

Social media offers a no-cost opportunity to efficiently expand your reach when you combine them with traditional, in-person networking activities. Developing your presence takes time and effort, but those who persevere and approach it with patience are rewarded with results.

Here are a handful of the most popular social networking channels, along with some tips on their features.

Facebook for Business

People want to do business with people they like. You probably already generate a lot of business through personal relationships. Facebook for Business allows your personal network to easily find and reach you and makes it easy for them to share what you do with their own connections who might need your services. Make sure to set up a Facebook Business Page with the name of your independent business identity, not “Kaeser & Blair”.


LinkedIn doesn’t just keep track of your business connections, it reveals how individuals in your network are connected to one another as well as how you may be connected (through them) to prospects outside your network. It also offers highly targeted niche discussion groups where new, relevant connections can be made. Often described as the “Facebook for business,” this tool offers you the chance to build a virtual Rolodex.

Learn more about using LinkedIn for marketing here.


This is a simple, clean photo-sharing tool that functions very similarly to Twitter and Facebook. Instagram combines Facebook’s commenting and “liking” feature with Twitter’s “following” and tagging features. Instagram offers another chance to build your personal brand identity and increase visibility. You can create traditional posts or utilize Instagram Stories or Reels, which are more video-based.

Learn more about using Instagram for marketing here.


Pinterest allows users to visually share and discover new interests and ideas by pinning to idea boards. You can use it to pin promo products and ideas, make design boards, and stay updated on popular ideas and products. You can also create Story Pins, which are short videos. These give you the opportunity to showcase your promotional products and ideas for how they can be used.

Learn more about using Pinterest for marketing here.


Don’t ignore YouTube. This is the second-largest search engine in the world, behind Google. This is a powerful platform where users can upload and share video content related to their business. Plus, you don’t have to be a professional videographer to leverage YouTube. Today, even mobile phones come equipped with video cameras that take surprisingly good quality footage. YouTube also features YouTube #Shorts, which are videos 60 seconds or less in length to allow for quick scrolling.

Learn more about using YouTube for marketing here.


Among the social media tools, Twitter offers the path of least resistance for connecting with like-minded individuals whom you might otherwise never have met. You can create awareness and maintain relevant connections that can evolve into leads, generate sales, and word of mouth. Set up a robust profile that includes your name, a friendly photo of your face, an interesting bio that includes at least one of two keywords that speak to what you do as a Kaeser & Blair Business Owner, and be sure to include a link to your website or blog.

Learn more about using Twitter for marketing here.

6. Be Active Online

Building your online presence means being online yourself! Make it a priority to regularly post content on your blog and social media channels. Be sure to check comments sections regularly and make an effort to respond to valid comments and questions. Also, connect with prospects and colleagues by visiting their blogs and leaving relevant comments.

These are just a few tips for how to build your online presence. Use them to expand your network and build relationships, but don’t try to take them on all at once. If you are a Kaeser & Blair Business Owner, your first step should be to set up your website. From there, you can take advantage of our free Marketing Collateral Support. These include email samples and product catalogs you can use in conjunction with the ideas listed above.

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Social Media Mistakes to Avoid as a Business Owner Fri, 29 Oct 2021 17:17:56 +0000 So, you want to be active on social media and engage with current and potential clients? Great! Social media is a great place to establish yourself as an industry expert and gain a leg up on the competition. However, there are a few mistakes that business owners often make that

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So, you want to be active on social media and engage with current and potential clients? Great! Social media is a great place to establish yourself as an industry expert and gain a leg up on the competition. However, there are a few mistakes that business owners often make that can be easily avoided. Check out our Top 6 Social Media Mistakes to Avoid as a Business Owner below.

Top 6 Social Media Mistakes to Avoid as a Business Owner:

Mistake #1: Not Keeping Your Personal and Business Pages Separate

No matter which social media platform you are on, you will want to keep your personal profile separate from your business’. How would you feel if one of your friends on social media suddenly started exclusively posting about their business on your social media feed? You didn’t sign up for that! Crossing the streams creates confusion (and even worse, frustration) for those who didn’t “sign up” for your business’ updates. So, create a profile specifically for your business, and create a space for those who are interested in your services to learn more, stay updated, and to reach out to you.

Mistake #2: Not Giving People a Reason to Follow You

If you’re currently on social media for personal use, think about what pages you follow and why. One of the most important things when building a social media presence in any industry is to create content that has value. The value of a post can come from it being entertaining, funny, informative, etc. So, when you make a post, ask yourself “what is someone gaining from this post.” If you can’t easily answer that question, time to rework the post or brainstorm another one.

Mistake #3: Irrelevant Content

Yes, you have the cutest cat the world has ever seen, but your client who is looking to order 3,000 custom hats isn’t interested in a photo of your cat. When deciding on what content you want to post, make sure that the content is relevant to what you’re selling. You also want to make sure your content is unique and offers value to your clients. Going back to the cat example, what if you put a hat on the cat? Or show what a photo of your cat would look like on a shirt? There are infinite amounts of ways you can make your content interesting. You’re only limited by your imagination!

Mistake #4: Not Staying Active

Before you start creating profiles on every social media platform you know of, ask yourself – “do I have the time to manage all of these accounts?” We recommend posting at least 2-3 times a week on each platform to keep your account active. Quality is always better than quantity when it comes to social media posts, and if you’re overwhelmed managing several accounts, there will inevitably be a loss in quality. If you’re just starting social media, start with one or two social media platforms that you’re familiar with, and work up from there.

Mistake #5: Low Quality Photos

If you want to stand out from the crowd, you want to make sure that the photos you use are unique and high quality. Nothing says “unprofessional” like a low-resolution, watermarked photo. Many of our manufacturers provide high-resolution photos that you can use in your social media marketing. If you really want to take it to the next level, take some of the products and snap your own photos! That way, you’ll know that no other person selling that product will have the same photos as you. Again, you are only limited by your imagination!

Mistake #6: Not Communicating

Social media platforms like Facebook and LinkedIn offer amazing technology that you can utilize to reach current and potential customers, but they’re not going to do all the work for you. You need to check your social media and least once or twice daily to ensure that you’re not missing out on a sale or question from a potential client. Millions of conversations happen daily on social media, and there are infinite opportunities for you to insert yourself into conversations and establish yourself as the expert in your field. You can’t do that if you’re not actively checking your social media accounts.

If you’re interested in learning more about social media, check out our social media series on our blog!

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Using YouTube in Promotional Products Marketing Sun, 15 Aug 2021 14:00:02 +0000 YouTube is a free video sharing platform where users can watch, like, share, comment, and upload their own videos. Not only can users search for videos, but they can create their own channels and subscribe to other YouTube channels. Many vendors of promotional products are creating interesting, short videos showcasing

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YouTube is a free video sharing platform where users can watch, like, share, comment, and upload their own videos. Not only can users search for videos, but they can create their own channels and subscribe to other YouTube channels.

Many vendors of promotional products are creating interesting, short videos showcasing their products. There are also a wide variety of videos that walk you through different sales tactics and other aspects of the industry. Now is the time to begin using YouTube to assist you as a Kaeser & Blair Business Owner.

Business Owners should be taking advantage of this entertaining selling tool for years. Since YouTube is a powerful, free tool, many promotional products professionals use it to generate more content to position themselves as industry leaders.

If you’re interested in starting a YouTube channel to help boost your promotional products business, but are worried you don’t have the right equipment, don’t worry! Modern smartphones have high-quality cameras built into them, so your video won’t look grainy or blurry. All you have to worry about is the sound quality and lighting. We recommend standing in front of a window (with the window in front of you) or any other horizontal light source. If you find your voice echoes in the room you’re recording in, bring in some blankets or a rug to help “soak up” some sound. Remember to be excited when talking about promotional products – no one wants to watch a video of someone who doesn’t seem passionate about what they do.

In addition to positioning yourself as an industry leader, you can also share relevant videos with your audience on other social media platforms. For example, let’s say you published a post on Facebook discussing how utilizing custom promotional items can help increase a business’ brand awareness within the community. A few days later, you come across a YouTube video made by someone you respect in the industry saying the same thing! You can share that video to your Facebook page and back up the claim you made. Sharing videos to your current social media platforms – whether they be your videos or others’ – will add additional, rich content to your weekly posts.

Some YouTube channels we recommend checking out include:

  • Origaudio, an EQP supplier with Kaeser & Blair. They have a plethora of great videos that will help inform your clients about the promotional products industry.
  • Starline has a channel on YouTube called “StarlineTalks” where you will discover informational promotional products content to share. We love a video where they display how uni Super Ink by uni-ball has the best quality compared to their competitors.
  • Sweda USA makes great promotional videos breaking down various promotional products in an engaging and informative way.
  • Gill-line manufactures printed products and produces great videos explaining their wide variety of options. They consistently post videos and even have a few recurring series-style videos.

YouTube definitely isn’t for everyone, but even if you don’t want to get in front of the camera yourself, you can still benefit from sharing relevant and informative videos on your social media platforms of choice. To learn more about social media marketing tips, check out our other social media blogs.

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Instagram Marketing Tips Sun, 30 May 2021 13:54:35 +0000 With over 800 million monthly users, Instagram is a social media platform that puts all of the focus on high-quality photos and short videos. Out of all popular social media platforms for business owners (like Facebook and LinkedIn), Instagram is the best platform to put your products front and center.

The post Instagram Marketing Tips appeared first on Kaeser & Blair.

With over 800 million monthly users, Instagram is a social media platform that puts all of the focus on high-quality photos and short videos. Out of all popular social media platforms for business owners (like Facebook and LinkedIn), Instagram is the best platform to put your products front and center.

If you’re considering utilizing Instagram to expand your promotional products business, check out some of the tips we’ve put together below.

Create A Business Profile

Start by creating a business profile. These differ from a typical account in that you can access free analytics tools, called Insights, in order to better understand your audience. You can see age ranges, locations, and your follower growth, just to name a few.

Post High-Quality Pictures

Instagram is a great way to advertise your promotional products because it focuses on visually appealing photos. Users don’t expect for you to have professional-quality photos, but you can get pretty close with the right lighting and your phone’s camera. Do not post blurry, dark, or otherwise unattractive photos.

Don’t Be Too “Salesy”

If every single post on your account sounds too much like an ad, you will quickly lose followers. No one wants to be spammed with “buy my promotional products” posts every day. Instead, try mixing up the theme of your posts. Try giving teasers of upcoming promotions, a behind-the-scenes look at your day as a business owner, or promotional products trivia. Not every post should end with, “buy my products!”

Generate Interact with Your Audience

Much like Facebook, Instagram allows you to like and respond to people who comment on your posts. However, generating those comments to interact with can be difficult. One of the best ways to do this is to ask your followers to comment in response to your post. Ask a question for them to answer – i.e., “What’s the best promotional product you’ve ever gotten?”

Use Instagram Stories

Once you’ve gotten the hang of posting, try utilizing the story feature to show your followers exciting content that you may not want to post on your main page. Stories are only up for 24 hours, and they are often not as “high-quality” or “on-brand” as regular posts. You can use Instagram Stories to show your followers behind-the-scenes events, short videos, or other content that doesn’t quite fit on your main page.

If you’re interested in learning more about selling promotional products, Kaeser & Blair is here to help! To learn more about Kaeser & Blair, feel free to contact us! We would love to take the time to speak with you and answer any questions you may have.

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LinkedIn: Become a Power User Thu, 15 Apr 2021 14:45:06 +0000 As an authorized dealer for Kaeser & Blair, it’s important to be up-to-date on trends if you want to build a successful career. One way to set yourself above from other promotional products distributors is to take the time to become a power user on LinkedIn. Be the dealer who

The post LinkedIn: Become a Power User appeared first on Kaeser & Blair.

As an authorized dealer for Kaeser & Blair, it’s important to be up-to-date on trends if you want to build a successful career. One way to set yourself above from other promotional products distributors is to take the time to become a power user on LinkedIn. Be the dealer who knows the ins and outs of the social media platform and leverage your expertise to further your sales goals without “selling.”

With a database of over 600 million professionals around the world, LinkedIn is the most important social network for businesspeople. With the correct approach, you could prove yourself the expert who is willing and able to assist clients on their ROI.

Getting Started on LinkedIn

The goal of LinkedIn is to build your professional network, not sell or share personal aspects of your life. When setting up your profile, think about how you want people to perceive you and your business. Display yourself as a professional expert who adds value to the industry and to your clients.

Your profile photo is your first impression, so be sure it reflects professionalism. Keep your profile client-focused, not personal. Stay relevant! Update your profile often, and post weekly. Playing the long game of LinkedIn will further your client base.

Build Your Network

After setting up a strong, client-focused profile, it is time to start building your network. Similar to Facebook, join industry groups where you can provide insight and learn from others. Be an active member to stay current! Tip: do NOT be the “I know everything” person!

Start a membership group and invite others to join. Follow and engage with influencers within the promotional items industry along with vendors. Read their posts, get to know your industry, and you will be closer to being a power user who clients will come to know as their expert in promotional items ROI.

Find the people most likely responsible for purchasing promotional products. These include marketing/pr professionals or office managers. Stay updated on companies you would like to do business with and start a conversation on a relevant topic with them. For example, if a company has an upcoming 50 years in business anniversary approaching, start a conversation with them about a question on how they plan to commemorate with their employees this accomplishment – make suggestions on gifting their teams with different price point options.

Do not take rejection personally. Learn from each interaction – what could you have done differently? Remember to be successful on LinkedIn, you are not playing the short game.

Get More Sales Tips

All of our business owners have access to state-of-the-art sales training to help them succeed in running their own business. If you’re ready to take part in our success, you can purchase our Standard Business Owner Package on our website for only $85. This will include everything you need to begin selling. It’s even refundable after your first $1,500 in sales!

If you’re interested in this opportunity but don’t want to make the $85 investment, we’re offering you our most affordable deal yet: you can start your business for $25! This package still comes with the materials you need at a price you can afford. You won’t find this deal anywhere else.

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How to Promote Your Business on Facebook Mon, 01 Feb 2021 16:11:36 +0000 How to Promote Your Business on Facebook (5 Tips) Ready to promote your business on Facebook? Great idea! Facebook is a hub of information and interaction. You can do a lot with Facebook: create engaging posts with high-quality photos or video, answer questions from prospective clients, and interact with your customers

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How to Promote Your Business on Facebook (5 Tips)

Ready to promote your business on Facebook? Great idea! Facebook is a hub of information and interaction. You can do a lot with Facebook: create engaging posts with high-quality photos or video, answer questions from prospective clients, and interact with your customers in the comments. When searching for an all-in-one platform for marketing yourself, promoting your small business on Facebook is a great place to start.

If you’re considering using Facebook to market your promotional products business, check out these tips from industry leader Kaeser & Blair. You’ll be on the road to success in no time!

1. Create a high-quality Facebook business page that represents you and your brand.

Your profile picture, name, colors, and tone of voice all represent you and your brand. What do you want potential customers to think when they first see your page?

The first thing we recommend is to make sure that all of your relevant information is filled out when creating your profile. Specifically, make sure that the way in which people can contact you is displayed clearly.

What do we mean by high-quality? Your posts should all be grammatically correct and include engaging text and clear images.  Three high-quality, engaging posts are better than seven boring posts that all say the same thing.

2. Promote your business by posting consistently.

No one wants to follow a page that only posts a few times a year. When potential clients come across your page and see that you haven’t posted in several months, they may think that you aren’t in business anymore and try to find someone else who is more active.

This does not mean you should post multiple times a day. A few posts a week is usually enough to keep people engaged without overloading their Facebook feed with posts promoting your business.

3. Keep your posts relevant to your business.

Your Facebook business page should not have photos of your kids, pet, or other personal posts on it. While there’s nothing wrong with wanting to share some cute or funny pictures, save those for your personal page. It all comes back to creating a page that reflects the type of business you want to run and, and further establish yourself as an expert in your field.

4. Include a call to action.

What do you want people to do once they see your page and decide they want to learn more about what you can offer? Maybe you want them to give you a call so you can set up an appointment or visit your official Kaeser & Blair website to see the products you can provide. Whatever your preferred method of contact is, make sure you encourage your visitors to take the next step towards establishing a business partnership with you.

Keep in mind that not every post has to be “salesy.” A call to action could be asking someone to comment or share your post. If you constantly ask your audience to buy your products, they will get tired of hearing that and stop interacting with your posts.

5. Engage with your audience.

Facebook is a great place to interact with your audience and foster professional relationships. When people comment on your posts, make sure you reply to them. This shows your customers that you’re friendly, approachable, and genuinely invested in their promotional products marketing. Facebook even prioritizes businesses that posts engaging content. If you’re continuing the conversation in the comments section of your posts, Facebook will be more likely to show your post in other people’s feeds.

Social media is a great way to market yourself and stay engaged with your customers. For more social media tips, be sure to check Kaeser & Blair’s blog!

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Using Social Media to Promote Your Business Sat, 30 Jan 2021 16:45:44 +0000 Using social media effectively to promote your business is crucial for success. Social media allows you to post your latest product options, interact with current and prospective clients, and position yourself as an industry leader. Building up your following may take time, but it is worth the effort to develop

The post Using Social Media to Promote Your Business appeared first on Kaeser & Blair.

Using social media effectively to promote your business is crucial for success. Social media allows you to post your latest product options, interact with current and prospective clients, and position yourself as an industry leader. Building up your following may take time, but it is worth the effort to develop a consistent, intelligent presence.

How do you choose which social media platforms to use for your business? Each network is meant to do something different and has various benefits and drawbacks. Social media allows you to adapt gradually, and as you become more familiar how each network works, you can connect with the unique opportunities they offer.

As a Kaeser & Blair Business Owner, you have the opportunity to provide a beneficial service to anyone with a need to spread a message, promote their name, or just attract more business. Using social media platforms at your disposal correctly will give you the advantage to connect to the individuals who need your expertise in branded products.

Getting Started

Each social media platform is designed to do something different. Instagram, for instance, is used to share interesting and eye-catching photos, videos, and graphics with very little text. On the opposite end of the spectrum is LinkedIn, which is very text-heavy and is used for networking and positioning yourself as an expert in your field.

If you’ve never used social media to promote your business before, we recommend starting with one platform. This way, you can get used to posting regularly and interacting with your audience. It’s better to master one than to struggle with multiple. As your client base grows, you can then add more social platforms to reach a wider audience.

Choosing the Right Platform


Facebook is considered one of the most personal of the social media channels. This is where people stay connected to friends and family and meet people with similar interests.

In order to make the most of Facebook, take advantage of your local groups where conversations are taking place and chime in when appropriate. Engage with anyone looking for help, but do not attempt to advertise in groups.

Have a separate account for your personal page first, then add your promotional business page, but do not set up with the title Kaeser & Blair. Use your business page with your independent dealer identity.

Be lighthearted and market yourself as helpful and resourceful showing suggestions of how you assisted with a mission to help someone’s branding. Facebook allows your personal network to find you and for them to share how you have assisted them. You can demonstrate that you are the person who is their “go to” for branded items.


Instagram is a photo-sharing tool with a “liking” feature. Since Instagram is a visual platform, you need to make sure your photos are high-quality and visually interesting.

When used correctly, this network will show your artistic side. Attract followers by liking others and commenting with authentic messages. As with Facebook, do not advertise at them, but bring them to you by demonstrating that your work is the best and most effective for promoting a brand. People can smell marketing from a mile away. With all social platforms, but especially with Instagram, it’s important to be genuine and authentic.


LinkedIn is a business network that offers you the chance to build a professional reputation for being the industry standard. This outlet reveals how individuals in your network are connected to one another as well as how you may be connected to them outside your network. It offers highly targeted niche discussion groups where new relevant connections can be made.

To be successful on LinkedIn, you need a robust professional profile using searchable keywords to describe your areas of expertise as a dealer to reinforce your business credibility. Once you identify relevant prospects using keywords, you can determine if you have an existing connection that might help make an introduction.

Join discussion groups and periodically scan posted discussions looking for opportunities to make relevant comments that bring value to the conversation without being too “salesy”, and you will begin to establish yourself as a thought leader in the branded items industry. Remember that LinkedIn is a professional network. It’s important to make sure your photos and post copy are high-quality and feel professional.


Social media is a great way to promote your business and remain relevant. Check back for more social media tips as we dive deeper into each platform!

The post Using Social Media to Promote Your Business appeared first on Kaeser & Blair.
