starting a home business Archives - Kaeser & Blair Tue, 07 Jun 2022 16:03:44 +0000 en-US hourly 1 starting a home business Archives - Kaeser & Blair 32 32 Should You Work from Home? Sun, 30 Jan 2022 18:00:59 +0000 While there are a variety of benefits that come with working from home, not everyone flourishes in a home office environment. If you’re starting your own business, working from home could save you money that you could put towards other expenses. However, some people don’t find that they are as

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While there are a variety of benefits that come with working from home, not everyone flourishes in a home office environment. If you’re starting your own business, working from home could save you money that you could put towards other expenses. However, some people don’t find that they are as productive when working and living in the same space.

At Kaeser & Blair, we’ve helped thousands of people start businesses from their homes. If you’re wondering if you should work from home, try answering some of the questions below.

Do you have a separate working space in your home?

Experts say that working from home is easier when you have a dedicated space. This can be anything from a whole room dedicated to your business, or a desk that you only sit at when you’re working. No matter how much workspace you have, it’s easier to keep on task when you can separate work activities from home activities.

If you don’t have a dedicated workspace in your home, we recommend setting clear rules and boundaries for yourself during the workday. For example, if you’re working on your couch, don’t have the TV on in the background. Keep things you associate with leisure time (like the TV) off/away while you work.

Do you get distracted easily?

Your environment can play a big role in your ability to stay on-task. If you can tune out the outside world while you work, or you live alone, then working from home might not be a challenge for you. However, if you find yourself constantly being pulled in a variety of directions while trying to stay focused, you might find working from home to be less productive.

If this is the case, we recommend getting out of the house to work. Go to a coffee shop, a local park, a library, or even a collaborative work environment. One of the benefits of Kaeser & Blair is that you can work from anywhere – it doesn’t just have to be from your home!

Can you create boundaries for yourself?

Sometimes, people who work from home have trouble switching off “work mode.” Being passionate about your work is important, but it’s also vital to step away for a while and spend time with family and friends. Working from home can be a challenge for those who have a habit of taking their work home with them – both figuratively and literally.

If this is a challenge for you, we recommend setting – and sticking to – very clear guidelines for yourself. For example, “no working through meals” or “turn off the computer at 7:00” can help you maintain a healthy work/life balance.

Learn More About Working from Home with Kaeser & Blair

If you’re interested in starting your own business from the comfort of your own home, consider Kaeser & Blair. As one of the nation’s leading promotional products distribution companies, we’ve helped thousands of people take control of their careers and build successful businesses. Learn more about who we are and what we do here.

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How to Start a Direct Sales Business Wed, 15 Dec 2021 18:00:38 +0000 Starting a direct sales business sounds like a dream come true, but laying the right foundation is key. If you’re interested in starting a direct sales business, there are things you need to consider before you take the plunge. Learn more from the experts at Kaeser & Blair below. Questions

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Starting a direct sales business sounds like a dream come true, but laying the right foundation is key. If you’re interested in starting a direct sales business, there are things you need to consider before you take the plunge. Learn more from the experts at Kaeser & Blair below.

Questions to Ask Before Starting a Direct Sales Business

What need are you filling?

Before you start selling a product, you need to know why you’re selling it to begin with. Why do people need your product? If you’re selling promotional products, for example, you’re filling the need of businesses trying to promote their services with a proven marketing tactic. Businesses need promotional products, and you can be the one to provide them.

What is your target demographic?

Who do you want to purchase your products? Is there a certain industry you want to work in, or are you targeting people in a specific age range or background? If you have personal experience in a certain industry, you may want to target businesses who do work you’re familiar with. Continuing with the promotional products example, you may want to specialize in working with small businesses or businesses within a certain industry you know. If you’ve worked in retail, you may want to target local retail establishments since you already know the business.

How much can you invest upfront in your business?

All direct business opportunities require an upfront investment. The obvious cost is purchasing the starter kit that comes from the business you choose to work with, but other costs can add up quickly. Remember, you need to market yourself! Business cards, product samples, office supplies, advertising costs, and more could cost more than you think. However, these tools are necessary for getting your name out there.

Tips for Starting a Direct Sales Business

Know your product.

Knowing as much as possible about your product will help prepare you for any questions your customers may have. Do industry research, talk to other experts, and attend conferences whenever you can. Learning as much as possible will position you as a leader in your selected industry.

Use social media.

Social media is one of the best marketing tools you can use to get your name out there. Start on one platform at a time if you haven’t used social media for businesses before. Show off your products, advertise sales, and generate public interest by engaging with your followers. We have a series of social media tips you can check out here.

Set goals.

At Kaeser & Blair, we recommend setting S.M.A.R.T. goals: specific, measurable, attainable, relevant, and time-based. “Make money” isn’t a good goal to set because you haven’t defined the parameters of what that means. Instead, focus on getting new clients or making a certain number of sales. For example, “onboard three new clients by the end of the year” is specific, measurable, attainable, relevant, and time-based.

Practice good sales techniques.

When trying to make a sale, do your best to stay calm and collected. Don’t try to pressure your potential client into purchasing a product, and don’t try to guilt people into buying something from you. Rather, make sure you know your products, do your research, and be yourself.

Ask for referrals.

Referrals are some of the most powerful and effective ways to get new business. Getting your first sale can be a challenge, but once you’ve had a successful experience with someone, ask if they know anyone else who could also benefit from your services. Though it may feel awkward at first, referrals are an essential part of growing your business.

Learn More from Kaeser & Blair

If you’re interested in learning more about starting a profitable direct sales business, Kaeser & Blair is ready to help. With over 100 years in the promotional products business, we have helped thousands of entrepreneurs get started in sales. Contact us to learn more!

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Build A Successful Business from Home Wed, 01 Dec 2021 20:00:10 +0000 You can build a successful, profitable business from the comfort of your home. It might sound too good to be true, but with hard work and a little help from Kaeser & Blair, you can earn additional income without having to drive to work every morning. Who is Kaeser &

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You can build a successful, profitable business from the comfort of your home. It might sound too good to be true, but with hard work and a little help from Kaeser & Blair, you can earn additional income without having to drive to work every morning.

Who is Kaeser & Blair?

Kaeser & Blair has over 125 years of experience in the promotional products industry. We set people up for a successful career selling promo products (also known as merch or swag) with effective training and access to the most competitive prices. Ultimately, our goal is to help motivated entrepreneurs, just like you, establish your own business and achieve the profit and work/life balance you deserve.

How does this work?

The first step in starting your promotional products sales business from home is purchasing a Business Owner Package. This package includes everything you will need to get started, as well as access to training materials to help you become successful.

From there, we encourage you to complete Kaeser University to learn about the promotional products industry and various sales techniques that will help you find success.

How much can I make?

The answer depends on how much time you put into your home business. Part-time business owners can make anywhere between $7,000-$20,000 per year, while full-time business owners can make up to $185,000 per year. It gets better! There is no commission cap, so you can make as much money as you want.

Build your business from the comfort of your home.

With Kaeser & Blair, you’re in charge of everything about your business. You decide where you work, if/when you work, and who your customers are. This is your opportunity to build a successful business and forge your own career – and you can do it from your house.

If you’re ready to get started, simply purchase a Business Owner Package and begin selling promotional products.

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5 Tips for Choosing a Direct Sales Business Wed, 04 Aug 2021 16:27:39 +0000 Choosing a direct sales business to work with can be a difficult task. Not only do you have to consider how much money you’ll make, but you also must consider the way the company runs. What is their consumer base like? How long does it take for you to get

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Choosing a direct sales business to work with can be a difficult task. Not only do you have to consider how much money you’ll make, but you also must consider the way the company runs. What is their consumer base like? How long does it take for you to get paid after a sale? Learn more about what to keep in mind when choosing a direct sales business below. 


What industry is the business a part of? 

How profitable is the industry the direct sales business is a part of? Has it seen steady growth for the last few years, and is it projected to continue to grow in the future? For example, Kaeser & Blair is a part of the $26 billion-dollar promotional products industry. This industry has seen consistent growth over the past few years and is projected to continue to grow. Therefore, this profitable industry may be the right one for you to invest in. 


What reputation does the brand have? 

If you do research on the company, take a look at what people are saying. What do customers/clients say about their experience with the products? What do other distributors say about their selling experience? Make sure you take note of any red flags: long gaps between sales being made and distributors being paid, poor dealer support, and a large upfront investment with little chance to make an adequate ROI. 


What is the business’ compensation plan? 

If you want to go into direct sales, make sure the company you’re considering offers a good compensation plan. In direct sales, you will likely be working only on commission, so you want to make sure the percentage you get to take home is high enough to make the effort “worth it.” You can learn more about Kaeser & Blair’s payment plan here. 


How much is the initial investment? 

Almost every direct sales business will require a small startup fee. However, this fee should not be high and business owners should not have to purchase large volumes of inventory. If the initial investment is low, but the company adds on a variety of “small” fees that add up to be more than you’re comfortable with, you may want to look for a different company to join. 


Does the business have a sales quota? 

Most direct sales businesses don’t impose a sales quota on their business owners. However, some do. While this isn’t immediately a red flag, the sales quota should be very attainable for everyone and should not cause undue stress. If the sales quota is too large for you to hit every month, you may want to consider looking for another direct sales business. 


Learn More About Kaeser & Blair 

If you’re interested in direct sales and are considering choosing a direct sales business to work with, learn more about Kaeser & Blair! As a rock-solid, family-owned business, our reputation is unmatched in the promotional products industry. Learn more about who we are and what we do, then contact us today for more information. Or, purchase a business owner package and get started selling today. 

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Start A Successful Home Business Mon, 15 Mar 2021 17:00:44 +0000 Join Kaeser & Blair and start a successful home business. If you’re planning to start your own home business, there are many things to consider, but the most important question to ask yourself when searching is, “how successful will my home business be?” With Kaeser & Blair, you will find

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Join Kaeser & Blair and start a successful home business.

If you’re planning to start your own home business, there are many things to consider, but the most important question to ask yourself when searching is, “how successful will my home business be?”

With Kaeser & Blair, you will find the best at-home business opportunities in the entire promotional products industry. Our dealers have the potential to earn anywhere from $7,000-$20,000 per year part-time and $60,000-$185,000 if you decide to make this your full-time career!

One of the most intriguing benefits of starting a home business with Kaeser & Blair is your ability to be in complete control of your earnings. You are in charge of how much money you make; it all depends on how much effort you decide to put into your business. There are no upfront costs, no quotas, and no minimums so there is nothing stopping you from reaching your highest profit potential.

Kaeser & Blair understands that a huge motivator is not only profit from sales, but an additional reward for your hard work. For this reason, we offer our home business owners a bonus, incentive, and award program in addition to our incredible compensation package. We award over $600,000 in bonuses per year in total.

If you’re ready to take part in our success, you can purchase our Standard Business Owner Package on our website for only $85. This will include everything you need to begin selling. It’s even refundable after your first $1,500 in sales!

If you’re interested in this opportunity but don’t want to make the $85 investment, we’re offering you our most affordable deal yet: you can start your business for $25! This package still comes with the materials you need at a price you can afford. You won’t find this deal anywhere else.

Not quite ready? No need to worry. We also have a FREE TRIAL PACKAGE that you can order to give it a try. You are looking for a successful home business opportunity and that is exactly what we are offering. Become a home business owner with Kaeser & Blair today!

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At Home Business Opportunities Sat, 02 Jan 2021 16:00:09 +0000 There are a variety of at-home business opportunities out there. How do you choose the right one for you? The experts at Kaeser & Blair have put together the top elements to consider when you’re searching for at-home business opportunities. Choosing the Right At-Home Business Opportunities There are several elements

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There are a variety of at-home business opportunities out there. How do you choose the right one for you? The experts at Kaeser & Blair have put together the top elements to consider when you’re searching for at-home business opportunities.

Choosing the Right At-Home Business Opportunities

There are several elements you have to consider when searching for at-home business opportunities. These include:


Does the opportunity you’re considering have a flexible schedule? If you already have other responsibilities (such as school, another job, full-time parenting), does this opportunity offer you enough flexibility to keep up with these other important things?

Profit Potential.

Many at-home business opportunities involve direct sales. How much does the parent company take from your sales? How many people have found success with the company?


How much support does the opportunity you’re considering provide? Are you set up for success from the beginning, or do you have to figure things out for yourself?

Kaeser & Blair’s At-Home Business Opportunities

Kaeser & Blair’s at-home business opportunities are the best in the promotional products industry. You could make anywhere from $7,000-$20,000 per year without our at home business opportunities. We don’t have commission caps – so your profit potential can go far beyond that number. If you make Kaeser & Blair your full-time job, you could be making $185,000 per year!

If you’re interested in getting started with our at-home business opportunities, purchase our Standard Business Owner Package for $85 and get started today. If the $85 investment is a little too much of a commitment, we’ve launched a $25 package to get you started! Order it here.

If you’re not quite sure yet, you can try our Free Trial Package. Start your new career today!

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How to Run A Successful Home Business Thu, 01 Oct 2020 13:02:24 +0000 Deciding to step away from a corporate office to start a home business is a life-changing decision, but whether it be for the better or worse is totally up to you. Leaving work attire, meetings, and a long commute behind sounds ideal, but can you be successful without it? Kaeser

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Deciding to step away from a corporate office to start a home business is a life-changing decision, but whether it be for the better or worse is totally up to you. Leaving work attire, meetings, and a long commute behind sounds ideal, but can you be successful without it?

Kaeser & Blair is a promotional products company that offers a risk-free opportunity to run your own home business. We have over a century of experience and have earned the utmost respect from our vendors, fellow business owners, and the industry as a whole.

Kaeser & Blair’s 5 Tips to Running a Successful Home Business

  1. Create a Schedule. Working from home doesn’t have to be chaotic. While there will always be interruptions, creating a set schedule to follow will help you stay on track.


  1. Set Goals. Take some time to think about what your goals are for your home business and jot them down. Having a list of attainable goals will help you to stay motivated for success.


  1. Take Breaks. Working from home means you have freedom; go out to lunch, spend time with your family, or go for a walk. It can be tempting to stare at your computer all day, especially once you see how successful you can be, but it is important to step away occasionally and take some time for yourself.


  1. Build a Support System. Networking is important when running a home business. If you find people in similar situations, keep them close as they can not only relate to you, but support you, and help you grow your business.


  1. Do Not Get Discouraged. Starting a business of your very own can be difficult. Stick with it through the first few sales and you will find that the process will become easier and more rewarding.

Are you ready to start your home business? Simply purchase our Standard Business Owner Package and you will have everything you need to begin on your path toward success.

Still thinking about it? In the meantime, try out our FREE TRIAL PACKAGE to receive product samples and our Best Buys Catalog to help you decide if this is right for you.

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The 4 Worst Things You Can Do for Your Home Business Wed, 15 Jul 2020 17:00:35 +0000 Industry Leader Kaeser & Blair Explains the 4 Worst Things You Can Do for Your Home Business Owning a home business is exciting. You have the freedom to make your own choices and work whenever you want. However, with that freedom comes responsibility. If you’re starting a new home business,

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Industry Leader Kaeser & Blair Explains the 4 Worst Things You Can Do for Your Home Business

Owning a home business is exciting. You have the freedom to make your own choices and work whenever you want. However, with that freedom comes responsibility. If you’re starting a new home business, here are four things you should avoid doing if you want to be successful.

Don’t jump in without doing your research first.

Owning a home business can be very profitable, but before diving into an investment of time and money, make sure you do your research! If you can, try to work with someone who already knows the ropes before branching out on your own.

Don’t stop learning about your industry.

No matter the industry you have chosen for your home business, never pass up the opportunity to learn more. Most likely, there are seminars (both online and in-person) you can attend to learn with other professionals. In addition, you will likely find a plethora of blog articles, YouTube videos, and other content related to your home business. Never stop learning!

Don’t stop trying to grow your business.

One of the worst things you can do as a home business owner is let your business plateau. While you should always make sure you aren’t pushing yourself past what you’re capable of doing, don’t be afraid to branch out of your comfort zone if your time and finances allow it.

Don’t spend money you don’t have.

This may seem obvious, but some home business owners fall into this trap. Invest in your business only when you are financially able to do so. Don’t spend money on frivolous things that won’t directly impact your success. In the early days, ask yourself if the new item or toll you’re considering will help you be more successful.

If you’re interested in starting your home business but don’t know where to start, check out some of our other blog posts here!

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What Makes the Best Jobs from Home? Wed, 01 Apr 2020 15:00:52 +0000 Learn About the Best Jobs from Home with K&B When looking for jobs from home, you may think that there aren’t many legitimate options. Once you find one, there are several things that you need to consider, including: The pay. A lot of jobs from home don’t pay as much

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Learn About the Best Jobs from Home with K&B

When looking for jobs from home, you may think that there aren’t many legitimate options. Once you find one, there are several things that you need to consider, including:

  1. The pay. A lot of jobs from home don’t pay as much as a full-time, in-office job. Make sure you understand how much you’ll make on average before you commit to a job.
  2. The benefits. As with most jobs, the jobs you work from home will offer greater benefits the more work you do. Is there an incentives plan?
  3. The time commitment. Is there a certain number of hours you have to work per week, or do you work when and where you want? Is there a minimum quota you have to hit with hours worked or sales made? Working from home is a convenient way to make money, but the time commitment may be too much for people who already have busy schedules.
  4. Your background. Jobs from home present unique challenges. If you’re breaking into a new industry, you may experience greater difficulty getting started. If this is the case, make sure the business offers some training or support so you won’t be wasting your time.

If you’re looking for a job you can do from home, Kaeser & Blair may be the perfect fit for you! With unmatched dealer support and a clear path to success, many find that they are able to grow their business from the comfort of their own home. Learn more about how it works and how to get started!

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