sales and marketing tips Archives - Kaeser & Blair Tue, 10 Oct 2023 21:06:06 +0000 en-US hourly 1 sales and marketing tips Archives - Kaeser & Blair 32 32 Unlocking Success: 9 Strategies to Find Clients Who Need Promotional Products Wed, 11 Oct 2023 18:04:58 +0000 Have you recently become a Kaeser and Blair business owner or are you a veteran seller seeking fresh ideas to generate leads in a constantly evolving marketplace? No matter your skill level or experience, you’ve come to the right place. In this blog, you will discover nine powerful strategies that

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Have you recently become a Kaeser and Blair business owner or are you a veteran seller seeking fresh ideas to generate leads in a constantly evolving marketplace? No matter your skill level or experience, you’ve come to the right place. In this blog, you will discover nine powerful strategies that will supercharge your lead generation strategies and help you connect with your ideal clients.

  1. Customer Journey Map: Navigating Your Success Path
    Before you can find your target clients, it’s crucial to understand who they are and what drives them. Crafting a Customer Journey Map is your secret weapon. By stepping into your customers’ shoes, you can uncover their needs, challenges, and unique experiences that lead them to you. According to Salesforce, 88% of consumers value a company’s experience as much as its products or services. Creating a Customer Journey Map will make finding and qualifying leads a breeze.
  2. Online Directories: Your Gateway to New Markets
    If you’re looking to expand into new markets or find clients who fit your ideal profile, online directories are your greatest resource. These directories provide an efficient way to identify similar companies and dive into new territories. Explore industry-specific directories, as well as Google, Better Business Bureau, and LinkedIn to connect with like-minded clients in search of promotional products. In addition to this, don’t be afraid to list your services as well. Listing your business in directories can attract clients actively seeking your services.
  3. Online Job Boards and Freelance Websites: Your Digital Playground
    Job boards and freelance websites are bustling with opportunity. It’s where small businesses, agencies, and startups seek marketing expertise. Whether you respond to job postings or create your own profile, these platforms offer a fantastic opportunity to find new clients. We recommend you begin by crafting a professional profile with a portfolio that showcases your skills, follow up using search filters to pinpoint job postings aligned with your services. While this competitive method may demand dedication, the results are worth it. You will soon find an increased interest in your product that with the right efforts can lead to greater conversions.
  4. Free Webinars and Workshops: Cultivate Authority and Trust
    Did you know that 73% of B2B marketing and sales leaders consider webinars the best lead generation tool? Free webinars serve as magnets, drawing attention, building awareness, and establishing rapport with potential clients. By offering webinars, you showcase your expertise and provide valuable content. Position yourself as an authority, and you’ll find participants returning for your services. Webinar’s are a great way to become the go-to problem solver in your industry.
  5. Get a Website: Your 24/7 Sales Rep
    With the premium business owner package from Kaeser and Blair, you’ll receive a customized website—an indispensable marketing tool. Your website establishes an online presence, making it easier for clients to discover you. Showcase your best-selling products on custom landing pages, offer the digital Best Buys catalog, and add personalized banners that entice leads to become customers. Leveraging SEO (search engine optimization), your website becomes a silent salesperson, working tirelessly to build trust with consumers.
  6. Leverage Social Media: Your Digital Megaphone
    In today’s digital age, social media is your ticket to finding leads and driving sales. Utilize hashtags and search filters to identify potential clients. Create captivating microcontent that captures your audience’s attention and loyalty. Platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter serve as search engines and problem-solving hubs for consumers and business owners. LinkedIn, dedicated to professionals and business owners, is a goldmine for promoting your promotional products. Check out our tips for social media to take your social strategy to the next level:
    Linked In
  7. Trade Shows and Industry Events: Network for Success
    While your online presence is crucial, physical presence remains equally vital. Attend trade shows and industry events that align with your niche. Network with business owners and marketing professionals who recognize the value of promotional products. Prepare by researching the event, audience, and competition. Have a compelling elevator pitch ready, accompanied by eye-catching visuals, videos, and demos. Trade shows are an opportunity to listen, qualify leads, and tailor your approach for post-event success.
  8. Next-Level Content Creation: Educate and Engage
    No matter which strategy resonates most with you, one constant remains—content is king. You must create content that is high-quality, audience-relevant and draws potential clients in. The best content marketing strategy is the one that identifies the potential customer, solves their problems and demonstrates your industry authority. Craft blog articles, share informative social media updates, and send engaging email newsletters. Building a content library that addresses your audience’s questions keeps them engaged at every stage of their journey.
  9. Build Relationships with Marketing Agencies: Partner for Prosperity
    Marketing professionals are always on the hunt for vendors who can help meet their clients’ needs. Take the initiative to build relationships with these individuals. These connections can lead to exciting opportunities to sell promotional products to businesses. Collaborate, share insights, and become a trusted partner in their marketing efforts, and soon enough they will come to trust you as if you are a member of the marketing team.

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8 Key Steps for Qualifying High-Value Leads: A Comprehensive Guide Tue, 05 Sep 2023 16:18:00 +0000 The difference between a good salesman and a poor one is often shown in the way they go about qualifying leads. A lead, also known as a business lead or a sales lead, refers to a potential customer who shows interest in the products or services offered by your company.

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The difference between a good salesman and a poor one is often shown in the way they go about qualifying leads. A lead, also known as a business lead or a sales lead, refers to a potential customer who shows interest in the products or services offered by your company.

A successful salesman, prioritizes lead qualification as the cornerstone of their strategy . Instead of asking themselves, “how to make extra income while working full time?” they focus on  identifying and focusing on high-value leads, allowing them to speak directly to their individual needs more efficiently and close deals faster. In this guide, we’ll walk you through the essential criteria for effectively qualifying leads so that you can close deals faster, earn extra money, and potentially turn your side hustle into a full time job.

Identifying Key Criteria for Leads:

  • Demographic Fit: Before you even begin a sales pitch, you want to consider the primary demographics and if they align with your ideal customer profile. Start by considering who the perfect customer is for you, consider factors like industry, company size, budget and job title, then while conducting lead generation research be sure that your desired profile matches with the potential lead.
  • Budget Availability: While you may be negotiable on some aspects of your ideal customer, know that a lead must have the budget required for your product or service. This criterion allows you to pitch confidently without the pressure of offering discounts that will land you with more work and less resources, and prevents you from wasting time on leads unable to make purchasing decisions.
  • Authority: There is nothing worse than building rapport for days, weeks, or even months only to realize your new contact is only the customer service rep, and has no power to make decisions. Avoid this early on by seeking out decision makers within the company. They are the only people who can truly say “yes.” If you sell to non-decision makers, such as an administrative assistant, they only have the authorization to tell you “no. Engaging with decision-makers expedites the customer journey.
  • Need or Pain Point: To further qualify a lead you wan to focus on identifying customer pain points. Knowing whether a company is struggling with the sales pipeline, or financial pain points can heavily influence your sales strategy. By accurately assessing whether the lead has a pressing need and successfully showing how you can support pain points with solutions you are more likely to convert.
  • Timeline: Understand the lead’s timeline for making a purchase. An aggressive sales and marketing strategy may not be the best choice for a lead who is not seeking a solution for some time; similar to the way a relaxed no pressure strategy would result in a missed sale for the client with urgent needs. Best practice is to align timelines in order to prevent chasing leads who aren’t ready to buy.
  • Engagement: Measure the lead’s engagement with your social media content, emails, and website. Of course this may take a little extra effort in terms of qualitative research, ; however, doing so will help you avoid process pain points because research indicates engaged leads are often further along in their buying journey.
  • Competitor Landscape: Evaluate whether the lead is considering alternatives. If they’re exclusively exploring your solution, they’re more likely to convert. Fit with Your Unique Selling Proposition (USP): Determine if your solution aligns with the lead’s specific needs and objectives
  • Prioritize Criteria: Not all criteria are equal. Prioritize based on their impact on lead For instance, a lead’s budget availability and authority might be more critical than their engagement level.

Real-Life Scenarios

To offer real life applications towards qualifying high value leads we will present three scenarios-John, Mary, and David each of which offer a unique qualifier, yet not a perfect customer profile. We will review each and qualify the leads below:

Scenario 1: Demographic Fit In our current business landscape, understanding the demographics of our target audience is crucial for effective marketing. One such demographic segment that holds great potential for us is individuals working in the software industry. These professionals possess a unique set of skills and interests that align with our offerings. Allow me to introduce John, a marketing manager who perfectly embodies our ideal customer profile within this demographic. With his extensive experience and knowledge in the software industry, John brings a wealth of insights on the challenges and pain points that our products or services can address.

Aside from his expertise, John’s job title as a marketing manager places him in a position of influence within his organization. This means that any decisions he makes regarding the adoption of new software or technology solutions greatly impact the company’s success. Thus, by engaging John as a customer, we not only gain a valuable advocate but also establish a strong foothold within his company.

Furthermore, the size of John’s company is also a critical factor in determining the potential value of this partnership. With a larger organization comes a greater need for robust marketing strategies and cutting-edge software solutions. By understanding the unique challenges that companies of this size face, we can tailor our offerings to meet their specific needs, enhancing our chances of success in securing John as a loyal customer.

In summary, John’s alignment with our ideal customer profile based on his job title, industry background, and the size of his organization presents an exciting opportunity for us. By leveraging his expertise, influence, and the specific needs of his company, we can build a strong and mutually beneficial relationship that drives growth for both parties involved..

Scenario 2: Budget Availability Mary’s company, recognizing the importance of our type of solution, has taken the significant step of allocating a specific budget to fund its implementation. This strategic decision not only highlights the value they place on our solution but also ensures that Mary has the necessary financial means to proceed. By setting aside a dedicated budget for our type of solution, Mary’s company demonstrates their commitment to attaining the desired outcome and addressing the challenges they currently face. This allocation underscores their recognition of the potential benefits and opportunities that our solution can bring to their organization. With this financial backing in place, Mary can confidently move forward with the implementation, knowing that the necessary resources are available to support each stage of the process.

The allocated budget provides her with the flexibility to invest in any required tools, technologies, or expertise needed to successfully integrate our solution into their existing operations. Furthermore, the budget availability serves as a clear indicator of Mary’s company’s intent to prioritize and fully embrace our solution. It demonstrates their willingness to make a substantial financial commitment, evidencing their belief in the positive impact our solution will have on their overall performance and strategic objectives.

Overall, the allocation of a specific budget highlights the dedication and foresight of Mary’s company in recognizing the unique value and potential of our solution. With financial means secured, Mary can focus on seamlessly implementing our solution and realizing the numerous benefits it promises to deliver.

Scenario 3: Authority David, the CEO of his company, possesses an exceptional level of authority that significantly contributes to the effectiveness and efficiency of decision-making within the organization. As the head of the company, David wields the power and responsibility to make crucial decisions promptly and with a comprehensive understanding of the various factors at play.

This authoritative position allows him to navigate complexities and embrace challenges in a manner that yields favorable outcomes for the company. David’s ability to exercise authority in decision-making enables him to swiftly respond to evolving market dynamics, customer demands, and internal needs. This agility ensures that the organization remains competitive and adaptable in today’s rapidly changing business landscape.

Furthermore, David’s informed decision-making is a testament to his vast knowledge and expertise in the industry. By staying well-informed and up-to-date, he can leverage his deep understanding of market trends, competitor strategies, and emerging technologies to guide the company on a path of sustained growth and success. In addition to his strategic insights, David fosters a culture of collaboration and inclusivity within his company. He actively seeks input from key stakeholders, valuing diverse perspectives and encouraging open and transparent discourse.

This inclusive approach not only fuels creativity and innovation but also promotes employee engagement and a sense of ownership in the decision-making process. Overall, David’s authoritative role as the CEO empowers him to lead the company with confidence and astuteness.

Through his comprehensive understanding of the organization’s goals, combined with his well-honed decision-making skills, he steers the company towards prosperity while ensuring its continued relevance in a competitive business environment.

By implementing these 8 key steps for lead qualification, you’ll empower your sales team to focus on leads with the highest potential for conversion. This strategy enhances efficiency, optimizes resource allocation, and ultimately accelerates your sales process. Master the art of lead qualification, and watch your sales soar.


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Characteristics of a Good Salesperson Tue, 22 Aug 2023 15:00:51 +0000 In the exciting world of promotional product sales, there are those exceptional individuals who possess an uncanny ability to charm clients, close deals, and spread happiness through the power of promotional goodies. These sales superheroes possess a unique set of characteristics that make them stand out from the crowd. So,

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In the exciting world of promotional product sales, there are those exceptional individuals who possess an uncanny ability to charm clients, close deals, and spread happiness through the power of promotional goodies. These sales superheroes possess a unique set of characteristics that make them stand out from the crowd. So, what makes a good salesperson in the world of promotional products? Let’s dive in and discover the key traits that transform ordinary salespeople into extraordinary ones!

Put People at Ease

A good salesperson understands the importance of putting people at ease, creating an environment where clients feel comfortable discussing their needs and desires.

Approachability and Friendliness: Greeting customers with a warm smile can go a long way! It is important to have interest in their well-being and engage in meaningful conversations. By radiating positivity and openness, an inviting atmosphere is created where the client is open to sharing their thoughts and concerns freely.

Patience and Respect: Each customer has their own unique style of decision-making, and a good salesperson respects these differences. Demonstrating patience by allowing clients to take their time to ask questions, explore options, and make informed decisions can build trust and enhance the customer’s overall experience.

Empathy and Understanding: A good salesperson demonstrates empathy by putting themselves in their clients’ shoes, understanding their thoughts and concerns. By understanding the clients’ needs and offering solutions based on these, salespeople create an environment where customers feel heard, respected, and cared for.

Possess Excellent Communication Skills

Exceptional communication skills are an absolute must for any good salesperson. The ability to clearly convey ideas, actively listen, and establish rapport with customers is essential for building strong relationships and closing deals. Being able to adapt your communication style to match the preference of each individual customer is a game-changer!. Some customers may prefer to communicate with a casual and friendly tone, while others may be more professional. It is important for a salesperson to understand these differences and adapt their communication accordingly. Also, be on the lookout for nonverbal cues. Things like body language, facial expressions, and tone of voice can give you an idea of a customer’s confidence or interest level.

Have Extensive Product Knowledge

Product knowledge is a superpower! Customers rely on salespeople to be experts in their field. When a salesperson shows their in-depth knowledge of the products they are selling, it builds trust and credibility. Product knowledge can help salespeople match their customers needs to the right product and  answer any questions the customer may have. Also, salespeople can educate customers about the value and effectiveness of different products. Customers will know about the potential benefits of the products and get an idea of the return on investment. The salesperson can explain how products can enhance brand visibility, customer engagement, and brand loyalty. A salesperson’s product knowledge not only helps customers make informed decisions, but also positions the salesperson as an expert.

Offer Solutions Not Features

The key to winning over customers lies in offering solutions that address their specific wants and needs. Customers are seeking outcomes and results! Take the time to understand the unique needs and objectives of each customer.

Customizing Recommendations: Once you understand the customer’s needs, you can customize their recommendations. Good salespeople go beyond a one-size-fits-all approach and present products that align with the customer’s target audience, branding goals, and budget.

Highlight Benefits and Outcomes: When presenting the products, focus on how the products can help customers achieve their goals. You can provide real-world examples of other brands’ success, and how the same success can happen to your customer, too. When customers know the tangible value that the solutions offer, they will feel confident in the decision-making process.

Problem-Solving Mindset: Approach customer interactions with a problem-solving mindset. Good sales people view themselves as partners in their customers’ success. They want to identify problems and present solutions that alleviate these problems.

Be Flexible: Flexibility is so important. Good salespeople can adjust their communication style, language, and presentation format to cater to the preferences of each customer. Flexibility creates a more engaging and personalized experience, increasing the likelihood of securing the sale.

Show Passion

Passion is a powerful characteristic! A good salesperson understands that showing genuine enthusiasm for the products they offer can inspire confidence in their customers. Passionate salespeople believe in the value and impact of their products, and their excitement is contagious. Passion goes hand in hand with deep product knowledge! A passionate salesperson takes time to understand the features and benefits of the products. Also, good salespeople bring the products to life by sharing stories and real-world examples that illustrate the impact of the products on the customers’ business. Passionate salespeople create a strong bond of trust with their customers.


The world of promotional product sales is a thrilling arena where sales superheroes reign supreme! By harnessing their exceptional communication skills, unwavering passion and extensive product knowledge, and offering solutions, they create meaningful connections with clients, inspiring them to choose the perfect promotional products. With their flexibility and ability to put people at ease, they overcome obstacles and achieve outstanding results. So, embrace these qualities to become a sales superhero and spread the magic of promotional products far and wide!

Don’t miss out on more information! Subscribe to the Kaeser & Blair newsletter for exclusive industry updates, tips, and tricks. Join our community of successful promotional product business owners by subscribing today.

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5 Advantages of Using Branded Merch for Donations Tue, 08 Aug 2023 15:00:31 +0000 When it comes to giving back and raising money, thinking outside the box can lead to awesome outcomes. For promotional products business owners seeking to make a difference in their communities and beyond, incorporating branded merchandise into their donation strategies can be a game-changer. Branded merch, when used strategically, not

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When it comes to giving back and raising money, thinking outside the box can lead to awesome outcomes. For promotional products business owners seeking to make a difference in their communities and beyond, incorporating branded merchandise into their donation strategies can be a game-changer. Branded merch, when used strategically, not only fosters a sense of unity and identity among donors but also brings a plethora of benefits that amplify the impact of their charitable initiatives.

In this blog, we will explore 5 advantages of using branded merch for donations and how it can empower promotional products business owners to create a lasting and meaningful impact.

  • Enhanced Visibility and Brand Awareness

One of the most significant benefits of using branded merch for donations is the boost in visibility and brand exposure. When donors wear or use items featuring the business’s logo or message, they become walking billboards, inadvertently promoting the brand and the cause it supports. As more people encounter these branded products, awareness about the charitable initiatives and the business’s commitment to giving back increases, potentially attracting new customers and supporters.

  1. Building a Sense of Community

Branded merch has a unique way of creating a sense of belonging and community among donors. When individuals receive or purchase branded items as part of their contribution, they feel more connected to the cause and the business that supports it. This sense of community fosters loyalty and encourages repeat donations, as donors perceive themselves as active members of a larger movement rather than passive contributors.

  1. Incentivizing Larger Donations

Offering exclusive branded merchandise as incentives for larger donations can act as a powerful motivator for increased contributions. Donors who are passionate about the cause and the brand’s products may be more inclined to give generously to receive limited-edition or high-quality branded items. This approach not only increases the overall donation amount but also creates a memorable experience for the donor.

  1. Long-Lasting Impact and Exposure

Unlike traditional advertising, which often has a short shelf life, branded merchandise can have a long-lasting impact. Items such as t-shirts, water bottles, or tote bags can continue to be used for months or even years, continually promoting the cause and the brand associated with it. This extended exposure ensures that the charitable message remains relevant and visible long after the initial donation.

  1. Positive Brand Perception and Trust

Consumers today are more likely to support businesses that demonstrate a commitment to social and environmental causes. By incorporating branded merch into donations and charitable initiatives, promotional products business owners can enhance their brand perception and build trust among their target audience. Customers and potential clients are more likely to choose a business that actively contributes to the greater good, which can ultimately translate into increased sales and business growth.


Branded merchandise offers an array of benefits for promotional products business owners looking to make a difference through charitable donations. From increasing brand visibility to fostering a sense of community and trust, the use of branded merch can revolutionize fundraising efforts and amplify the impact of charitable initiatives.

As promotional products business owners continue to embrace this innovative approach, they pave the way for a brighter future for both their brands and the causes they support. If you’re interested in leveraging the power of branded merch, Kaeser & Blair can help. Together, we will not only make a positive difference in the world but also inspire others to do the same. Subscribe to the Kaeser & Blair newsletter for more information.

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Recapturing Leads in Sales Thu, 06 Jul 2023 19:00:51 +0000 Recapturing Leads in Sales: 4 Tips to Regain Interest from Potential Clients Have you ever had a customer interested in your product, but then they changed their mind? Has a customer backed off after a quote request or maybe said, “No thanks” a little too fast? Unfortunately, leads often lose

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Recapturing Leads in Sales: 4 Tips to Regain Interest from Potential Clients

Have you ever had a customer interested in your product, but then they changed their mind? Has a customer backed off after a quote request or maybe said, “No thanks” a little too fast? Unfortunately, leads often lose interest or become unresponsive with no explanation. As we know, not every lead converts into actual sales—but does that mean they’re a total loss? When a potential client loses interest, you may have success by recapturing their attention.

Recapturing leads can be done through various strategies and techniques. Here are some ways to reignite their interest, address any objections they may have, and ultimately guide them toward purchasing promotional products with you.

Follow-up Communications

Follow-up communications are an essential component of your lead generation and conversion. They provide an opportunity to re-engage your potential promotional products clients, nurture relationships, and ultimately increase the chances of converting leads into customers.

Personalize your messaging: Tailor your follow-up messages to each lead individually. Everyone loves to see and hear their own name! Addressing the client by name and referencing previous conversations can show that you value the client, which increases the chance of getting a response.

Utilize multiple channels of communication: Explore various communication channels to reach your leads effectively. In addition to email and phone calls, consider leveraging social media platforms, such as LinkedIn or Twitter, to connect with prospects. By using a multi-channel approach, you increase the likelihood of reaching leads and staying on their radar.

Provide value-added information: Along with that, make sure to offer additional information that showcases your expertise and the value of branded items. Share case studies, success stories, or relevant industry insights. By offering valuable content, you demonstrate your commitment and credibility.

Be timely and persistent: Promptness is crucial when following up with leads. Respond to inquiries and initial contacts as soon as possible to show that you are attentive and reliable. Additionally, establish a systematic follow-up schedule to stay in touch with leads consistently. People often require multiple touchpoints before making a purchasing decision, so persistence can make a significant difference in capturing new client leads.

Providing Additional Value

Providing additional value through incentives can encourage potential clients to take the next step. Incentives create a sense of urgency and help leads to move forward with your products or services. Offering exclusive discounts or promotional codes is a great way to grasp a lead as they create a sense of urgency and nudge them towards making a purchase.

Free samples

Who doesn’t love a freebie? Providing free samples is an excellent way to show the quality or value of your promotional products. Free samples allow the lead to visualize the product and see how it can represent their brand. It builds trust between you and the lead by showcasing the quality of your promotional items.

Loyalty programs

You can provide additional value through a loyalty program, which rewards clients through incentives or discounts on future purchases. Loyalty programs create a sense of exclusivity and make clients feel valued. When communicating the value of these incentives, use persuasive language and emphasize the advantages the lead will gain.

Addressing Objections

Identifying and addressing any objections that prevented the leads from converting initially is crucial in recapturing new client leads. By understanding their concerns, you can effectively provide information to overcome those barriers.

First, it’s key to actively listen to the client’s objections. When you listen and understand their reservations and show empathy, you build trust and credibility. Let the client know that you understand their hesitation and that their concerns are valid. This approach creates a positive atmosphere and that you truly care about addressing the client’s needs. Once the problems have been identified, use facts, data, testimonials, and case studies to support your claims and alleviate doubts.

Also, it’s essential to tailor your solutions to directly address the objections. For example, if a lead is concerned about the quality of the products, be sure to emphasize the materials used and durability. You can also provide additional support. This could include providing samples or arranging a demonstration. By going the extra mile to address concerns, you demonstrate your commitment to customer satisfaction.

Lead Nurturing

Lead nurturing involves implementing a systematic process to consistently engage with leads over time, providing relevant and valuable information to maintain their interest and gradually move them closer to making a purchase.

Segmenting: One effective way to nurture leads is by segmenting them based on their demographics, interests, buying behavior, and more. Segmentation helps you create targeted content that resonates with each segment’s specific needs.

Content strategy: Based on this, you can create a content strategy that aligns with the clients. The content should provide the leads with solutions and highlight the benefits of your promotional products. Regularly share this content with leads through emails, newsletters, or social media.

Lead scoring: Then, you can implement a lead scoring system. Assign scores to different actions, such as opening emails and clicking links. This helps you identify leads who are actively engaging with your content so you can focus on nurturing high-scoring leads.

Most importantly, continuously follow up with leads and personalize your communication with them. Lead nurturing is a long-term process that requires patience. By effectively nurturing leads, you can maintain their interest, build trust, and guide them toward making a purchase decision.


Recapturing leads is a powerful technique that allows you to reconnect with potential customers who have previously shown interest in your promotional products business. Recapturing leads helps you convert them into paying customers, driving growth and revenue. By following up with prospective clients (without being annoying) you may be able to effectively recapture their attention.

Don’t miss out on more game-changing insights! Subscribe to the Kaeser & Blair newsletter for exclusive industry updates, tips, and tricks. Join our community of successful promotional product business owners by subscribing today.

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Proactive Customer Service Thu, 29 Jun 2023 12:00:04 +0000 Mastering Proactive Customer Service: 5 Ways to Stay Ahead of the Game Did you know that proactive customer service can boost customer loyalty by a whopping 60%? That’s right! By taking the initiative to address your clients’ needs before they even realize they have them, you can skyrocket your promotional

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Mastering Proactive Customer Service: 5 Ways to Stay Ahead of the Game

Did you know that proactive customer service can boost customer loyalty by a whopping 60%? That’s right! By taking the initiative to address your clients’ needs before they even realize they have them, you can skyrocket your promotional product business to new heights. Today, we’re sharing some invaluable tips to help you become a proactive customer service superhero. Say goodbye to reactive approaches and hello to satisfied customers who keep coming back for more.

1. Anticipate Customer Needs

Being proactive means going beyond the expected. Take the time to truly understand your clients’ industries, target markets, and upcoming events. By doing so, you’ll be better equipped to anticipate their promotional product needs. Surprise them with suggestions for new, innovative items that align with their goals and objectives. Show them that you’re not just a supplier but a partner who has their success at heart.

2. Communicate Regularly

Maintain an open line of communication with your clients. Don’t wait for them to reach out to you; be the one to initiate contact. Whether it’s a quick email, a phone call, or even a personalized message on social media, let them know that you’re there to support them every step of the way. Regularly touch base to check in, offer assistance, or share industry insights. By doing this, you’ll strengthen your relationship and keep their loyalty intact.

3. Educate and Inform

Become a reliable source of information for your clients. Share industry trends, emerging technologies, and creative promotional strategies through blog posts, newsletters, or even webinars. By providing valuable knowledge, you position yourself as an expert, and your clients will turn to you for guidance. The more informed they are, the better decisions they can make, which ultimately reflects positively on your business.

4. Personalize Experiences

Everyone loves to feel special, and your clients are no exception. Go the extra mile to tailor your customer service to their individual needs. Remember their preferences, previous orders, and any special occasions they may have mentioned. Send personalized greetings or small surprises to show that you value their business. By creating memorable experiences, you’ll foster long-term relationships that go beyond mere transactions.

5. Stay Ahead of Issues

Don’t wait for problems to arise; take proactive steps to prevent them in the first place. Monitor your inventory closely to avoid stockouts or delays. Conduct regular quality checks to ensure your products meet the highest standards. If you foresee potential issues, be transparent with your clients, and provide alternative solutions beforehand. By addressing concerns before they escalate, you’ll demonstrate your commitment to exceptional customer service.


Congratulations, you’re now armed with powerful strategies to revolutionize your promotional product business through proactive customer service! By anticipating customer needs, maintaining regular communication, educating your clients, personalizing experiences, and staying ahead of issues, you’ll take your customer service game to the next level.

Remember, being proactive is the key to surpassing customer expectations and building lasting relationships. So, what are you waiting for? Start implementing these tips today and watch your business thrive!

Don’t miss out on more game-changing insights! Subscribe to the Kaeser & Blair newsletter for exclusive industry updates, tips, and tricks. Join our community of successful promotional product business owners by subscribing today.

Together, let’s redefine customer service excellence and leave your competitors in the dust!

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Overcoming Objections in Sales Mon, 30 Jan 2023 13:00:29 +0000 3 Ways to Overcome Objections in Sales If you’re in the promotional products industry, chances are you know how competitive it can be and understand that objections are part of the gig. In order to be successful, it’s essential to understand these potential roadblocks and learn how to navigate them.

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3 Ways to Overcome Objections in Sales

If you’re in the promotional products industry, chances are you know how competitive it can be and understand that objections are part of the gig. In order to be successful, it’s essential to understand these potential roadblocks and learn how to navigate them. The good news is that with a little bit of prep work, objecting customers can be turned into satisfied customers. In fact, it takes surprisingly little effort.

Areas to focus on include practicing active listening, using empathy, and adjusting selling techniques if needed. With a prepared mindset and creative approach, handling customer objections becomes much easier—even for beginners! Here are our top three ways to overcome objections in sales.

1. Active Listening

Active listening is integral to the sales process, especially when it comes to selling promotional products. By being engaged and open to feedback from customers, you can better understand what their needs are. This gives you an opportunity to respond thoughtfully, demonstrating why promotional products can suit their purpose and be mutually beneficial.

Putting yourself in your customer’s shoes is also a great practice for gauging a successful outcome; this will be especially useful if your customer has issues with the cost or value of the product. Active listening shows that you are sincerely considering their point of view, which could then lead to a compromise that benefits both parties. In any case, actively listening to your customer sets the foundation for a strong relationship, which could potentially result in long-term business opportunities down the line.

2. Being Empathetic

Connecting with your customers on an emotional level is a key factor in selling promotional products. Showing empathy for your customer’s buying process can mean the difference between closing or losing out on the sale. Make sure you take into consideration the nuances of their situation and craft your pitch based on understanding how it applies to them. Avoid simply relying on facts and figures and give them both a logical and an emotional incentive to make the purchase.

When attempting to overcome sales objections, acknowledging the customer’s perspective will show that you respect them, which could be enough to calm the conversation, and lead to a more positive outcome.

3. Adjusting Sales Techniques

When it comes to overcoming sales objections for promotional products, another key is flexibility. You’ll likely encounter different objections depending on the product and customer, so having a few techniques in your back pocket that you can adjust and tweak to fit the situation is important. There’s a variety of approaches you can take in order to successfully navigate any tricky objection with ease.

A thorough understanding of your product, target audience and market trends can also help you position yourself as an industry expert and develop better connections with your customers. With a bit of practice and patience, uncovering creative solutions to customer concerns becomes easier over time—allowing us all to work towards better customer relationships built on trust and satisfaction.

If you’re looking to improve your sales skills when it comes to promoting and selling promotional products, then following these three tips will help you get off to a great start. By actively listening to your customers, being empathetic, and understanding when (and how) to adjust your sales technique, you’ll be prepared to navigate every objection and on your way to success.

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Sales Prospecting Mistakes Wed, 04 Jan 2023 13:00:58 +0000 10 Sales Prospecting Mistakes to Avoid As a small business owner, you know that prospecting for new clients is essential to your success. But making a few common mistakes can keep you from reaching your targets and selling your promotional products. In this blog post, we’ll look at 10 of

The post Sales Prospecting Mistakes appeared first on Kaeser & Blair.

10 Sales Prospecting Mistakes to Avoid

As a small business owner, you know that prospecting for new clients is essential to your success. But making a few common mistakes can keep you from reaching your targets and selling your promotional products. In this blog post, we’ll look at 10 of the most common sales prospecting mistakes, and how to avoid them.

1. Not Defining Your Target Customer

One of the biggest mistakes you can make when prospecting for new clients is not defining your target customer. When you don’t have a clear idea of who your ideal customer is, you’ll end up wasting a lot of time and energy trying to sell to companies that are not interested in what you have to offer. Take the time to define your target customer so that you can focus your sales efforts on the right people.

2. Not Researching Your Prospects

Another mistake business owners make is failing to do their research before reaching out to prospects. It’s important to take the time to learn about your potential client’s business and specific needs before trying to sell them anything. By doing your research, you’ll be able to tailor your sales pitch and increase your chances of making a sale.

3. Not Having a Solid Prospecting Plan

Have a solid sales prospecting plan in place before reaching out. Without a plan, it’s easy to get sidetracked and waste time on activities that aren’t productive. Make sure you know what you need to do each day to reach your sales goals.

4. Not Tracking Your Results

If you’re not tracking your results, it’s impossible to know what’s working and what isn’t. Make sure to keep track of the number of contacts you make, the number of appointments you set, and the number of sales you close. This will help you fine-tune your prospecting activities so that you can maximize your results.

5. Not Following Up

If you don’t stay in touch with your prospects, they’ll forget about you and move on to someone else for their promotional product needs. Make sure to follow up after each contact and stay top-of-mind with your prospects.

6. Not Being Persistent

Don’t give up too soon if you don’t get an immediate response. It takes time to build relationships and close deals, so don’t panic if you don’t see results right away. Stay persistent and keep working at it and you’ll eventually see success.

7. Not Staying Positive

It’s important to stay positive when prospecting, even if you’re having a tough time getting results. If you start to feel down about yourself, it will show in your attitude and will likely turn off potential customers.

8. Relying on Cold Calls

In today’s world, cold calling is no longer an effective sales strategy. With the advent of the internet and social media, there are now many other ways to reach out to potential customers. Cold calling can still be a part of your sales strategy, but you should also consider other methods such as email marketing, LinkedIn outreach, and content marketing.

9. Being Pushy

No one likes to be sold to, so it’s important to take a more consultative approach when selling products or services. Instead of trying to force a sale, focus on helping your prospect solve their problem or meet their need.

10. Not Asking for the Sale

One of the most common mistakes that salespeople make is failing to ask for the sale at the end of their pitch. If you don’t ask for the sale, there’s a good chance that you won’t get it. So don’t be afraid to go for it!

There are a lot of things to keep in mind when you start prospecting for new clients—from how to nurture leads to what promotional products will appeal most to your target market. Do your research ahead of time, focus on building relationships instead of pushing a sale, and be prepared to answer any objections a potential client may have.

And remember, you don’t have to go it alone. At Kaeser & Blair, we offer plenty of tools and resources to help you market your business effectively so you can close more sales and grow your business. Sign up for our newsletter to get more sales and marketing tips delivered right to you.

The post Sales Prospecting Mistakes appeared first on Kaeser & Blair.

How to Write an Elevator Pitch Tue, 15 Nov 2022 13:00:04 +0000 How to Write an Effective Elevator Pitch for Your Promotional Products Business An elevator pitch is a short, persuasive speech that you can use to promote your business. The name “elevator pitch” comes from the idea that you should be able to deliver your pitch in the time it takes

The post How to Write an Elevator Pitch appeared first on Kaeser & Blair.

How to Write an Effective Elevator Pitch for Your Promotional Products Business

An elevator pitch is a short, persuasive speech that you can use to promote your business. The name “elevator pitch” comes from the idea that you should be able to deliver your pitch in the time it takes to ride an elevator or about 30 seconds.

While a 10-second elevator pitch can be helpful when you’re meeting someone for the first time, it’s also essential to have a more extended pitch prepared for when you’re asked about your business. In this blog post, we’ll break down the main elements of an effective elevator pitch and give you some tips on how to craft one for your promotional products business.

The Main Elements of an Elevator Pitch

In order to successfully pitch an idea or product, it is important to have a well-crafted elevator pitch. At its core, this involves succinctly communicating four key elements: the hook, the problem statement, the solution, and the call to action.

Let’s take a closer look at each of these elements:


When you want to pitch an idea to someone, the most important thing is to capture their attention right away. The best way to do this is with what’s known as a hook—a short, catchy phrase that lures your listener in and leaves them wanting more. Some effective possibilities include:

  • asking a question
  • offering a surprising statistic or statistic
  • focusing on an aspect of human interest

Remember the purpose of your hook is to engage your listener immediately and leave them wanting more. With the right approach and a little practice, you’ll have no trouble crafting an engaging and effective hook every time.

Problem statement

Once you have the listener’s attention, it’s time to tell them about the problem that your product or service solves. The problem statement sets the stage for your idea or solution and helps to engage listeners right from the start. To craft a powerful problem statement, you should identify the key issue that your idea or product aims to address and clearly articulate this issue in a concise, compelling way. A good way to do this is by focusing on how your idea will help people or businesses, using specific examples or statistics if necessary to effectively make your point. Be sure to keep your problem statement brief and focus on the needs of your target customer.


When it comes to crafting an effective elevator pitch, nothing is more important than presenting the right solution. After all, if your pitch does not present a clear and compelling answer to the problem you are trying to solve, then no one will be interested in taking things further.

That’s why it’s important to clearly communicate the benefits of your proposed solution so that people can easily envision how it could make their lives better. Be specific and use concrete examples to illustrate the benefits of your solution.

Call to action

The last element of your pitch should be a call-to-action, or an ask for what you want the listener to do next. This could be setting up a meeting, visiting your website, or giving you their contact information so you can follow up with them later. When it comes to writing a call to action, the most important thing is to communicate your message in an engaging and persuasive way.

To do this, you can use words and phrases that invoke urgency, such as “now” or “today,” as well as words that appeal to logic and reason, such as “facts” or “evidence.” Remember, the key is to be both compelling and convincing.

Elevator Pitch Example

In just a few sentences, you should be able to explain what your business does, the main benefit of using your product or service, why you’re the best choice for the customer, and what the next step is.

Here’s an example of an elevator pitch for a promotional products business:

Want to build customer loyalty in a short amount of time? I can help you do that! Hi, my name is [Name], and I own a promotional products business. We help businesses promote themselves by providing high-quality, customized products like T-shirts, mugs, and pens with their logo on them.

Our products are perfect for trade shows, corporate events, and marketing campaigns. And because we offer a wide range of products and services, we’re sure to have something that fits your needs and budget.

If you’re interested in learning more about our promotional products and how they can help your business, please visit our website or give us a call.

An elevator pitch is a great way to promote your promotional products business in a concise and convincing way. By including a hook, problem statement, solution, and call-to-action in your pitch, you can make a lasting impression on potential customers and partners alike.

And while an elevator pitch can be delivered in just 30 seconds, it’s also important to have a more extended version of your pitch prepared for when you have more time to talk about your business. Start crafting your own elevator pitch today so you can be ready when opportunities arise. Need more ways to build your business? Head to our Support Tools page to see all our resources for Business Owners.

The post How to Write an Elevator Pitch appeared first on Kaeser & Blair.

How to Self-promote Your Business Thu, 27 Oct 2022 12:00:37 +0000 Creative Ways to Self-promote Your Own Business with Promotional Products Selling promotional products is a competitive career, but taking thoughtful, creative, and proactive steps to stand out is definitely worth the work. Take the time to understand the industry, keep up with the trends, know your clients well, be aware

The post How to Self-promote Your Business appeared first on Kaeser & Blair.

Creative Ways to Self-promote Your Own Business with Promotional Products

Selling promotional products is a competitive career, but taking thoughtful, creative, and proactive steps to stand out is definitely worth the work. Take the time to understand the industry, keep up with the trends, know your clients well, be aware of your competition, and invest in yourself by learning how to self-promote your business. Believe in yourself enough to know that you have come up with a sensible plan with a high return on investment for your self-promotions.

When self-promotions are done correctly, they will showcase how awesome your marketing abilities are and that you are the industry leader to work with. If you demonstrate that you know how to market yourself with well-thought plans with high ROI, your clients will see you are a solid choice to partner with. Self-promotions will lead to gaining new clients.

They also inspire current clients to try something new and maybe go further with their budget. Friendly reminder: do not be pushy about budgets! Let them come to the realization that spending a little more on something with great innovation will bring them high ROI.

Go Beyond a Business Card

Business self-promotion covers many areas. Think of your business card. You can choose to go with a typical paper rectangular card with your contact information, but you’re in the promo biz! Take it a step further by using promotional products to share your contact information.

Yes, you need to have a traditional card for vendors you meet. But if you are trying to attract a client, a boring traditional card that gets the job done is not enough. A salesperson in the branded items business should have something more. Here are creative suggestions for how to self-promote your business with promotional products.

Microfiber Cloth

Consider a 6×6 microfiber cloth. It folds into the traditional business card size in a clear bag but it’s an item everyone can use. It cleans phones, glasses, vehicle touchscreens, and more. Add a QR code for folks to scan and your contact goes directly into their phones. Spending more money on your business card option will help you stand out in the competitive market.

Small Magnetic Calendar or Kitchen Cutter

Inexpensive items that can be a “leave behind” are a great way to self-promote your business. Small, simple branded items like these check many boxes clients desire in promotional products. They have a long shelf life and are something everyone can use. Bonus points if you can come up with a clever tagline for your business that reflects the item.

Writing Instruments

Another popular type of leave behind is writing instruments—always a solid self-promo when done right. We all need a pen from time to time!  But it’s important to keep in mind that this item is a representation of you as a promotional products expert. Meaning, if you decide to go with a super low economy pen, be prepared for an underwhelming response.

If you want to make an impression, check out the Sharpie S-Gel pen. You will have your logo branded on a pen a client does not share with others. It becomes a coveted pen they do not want to lose! Vendors like RiteLine offer great self-promo deals on writing instruments throughout the year, so be sure to keep up with the industry and know when the best offers are available.

Self-promotion Packages

Starline is one of the vendors that offer large packages of a variety of their products. This is a great option that can serve as an enticing gift or sample when a client is considering what to purchase. You can give them options of what item they would like to have from you.

Make a Statement: Higher-end Items

There are clients you want to land because their business means high-earning potential. It’s time to go big with your self-promo product. A memorable effort will bring you a better chance at that high ROI you are working for. A non-tipping can cooler, portable Bluetooth speaker, or premium cotton backpack branded with your own company logo are all great options.

Drop-shipped Personalized Sample

Another grand gesture that will take more investment and time to organize is using drop-shipping for a higher-end personalized gift. Origaudio offers this option and is known for its interesting products and great customer service—even their packaging is cool! The receiver of one of their many high-end options is going to be impressed with the gift and seeing their name and/or company logo included. Be sure to include a note with your contact information, of course!

Learning how to self-promote your business will deliver a positive impact on your selling efforts. Decisions need to be planned out for each type of self-promo item you choose to go with. Will you hand deliver the item or mail it directly to them? (Consider the cost and time with both.) Will you give the item to the client at the meeting or at a later time?

Find the value in each option and make a strategic plan that best fits your needs and abilities. Remember that your self-promotion efforts are a reflection of you as a promotional products expert. Stand out in a crowd of a competitive market!

The post How to Self-promote Your Business appeared first on Kaeser & Blair.
